Flash-Price.com – Bargain Alert

I get an amazing amount of emails from PRs, new businesses and more every week asking me to write about their product, service or company. The majority sadly I just haven’t time to work with however when Flash-Price got in touch something grabbed my attention.

A new site Flash-Price are dedicated to finding you cut price fashion and accessories which appeals to me greatly given that I have two boys who are growing like weeds and a husband who really could do with some more clothes. Chatting to the folks from FP it quickly became evident that they really do put finding top goods at cracking prices at the top of their list. In fact they were almost as excited about bagging a bargain as I am (and as many of you know I am notoriously tight about spending, if I don’t need to I don’t).

They have some brilliant offers at the moment such as this:


Freebies people!

I’ve been sent two of the Beck & Hersey bags as a thank you for taking the time to write about the newly launched site and I have to say they are lovely. Roy has nabbed one for work already and I’m keeping the other under wraps for the New Year for Kieran as a new backpack (quite trendy as well as practical). The Urban Logik boots are similarly on my wishlist as again they look great, get 5* reviews online and if you search Flash-Price are considerably cheaper here than anywhere else. I’ve been having a good nosy around the site and have to say I’m impressed. There are some great prices, particularly on menswear and shoes/boots which is great for Christmas shopping.

Talking to the folks behind the scenes there are a lot more items ready to hit the website however while finding the best bargains is a must FP are concerned with finding on;y the very best items and so it could be that the womenswear section isn’t up and running until after the New Year.  Why advertise a site which isn’t packed to the gills already with new arrivals? Flash-Price didn’t want to wait for you (and me!) to miss out on some bargains for Christmas. In the meantime there is plenty still to choose from while the poor FP buyers are wandering the earth searching for the perfect additions to their current ranges.



If you sign up to the Flash-Price newsletter at the moment at (  http://www.flash-price.com/sign-up ) you’ll receive a free Hack t-shirt (while stocks last).


Have a browse, bag some Christmas bargains and freebies and don’t forget to keep an eye on the site for new ranges, offers and more. In the meantime for a limited time only they are offering free UK delivery .




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