Creative Play with the ASDA Toys Store

We were very lucky before Christmas to be sent two items from the Asda Toys Store for the boys. Kieran received the Imaginext Batcave and Taylor the Asda Wooden Market Stall. As it happens neither of these are in stock on the website at the moment which is not surprising considering how popular they have been however they are simply a mere taste of the top quality fun and educationally focused toys Asda currently have to offer.

The Imaginex Batcave

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Kieran: I love the Batcave! Batman is one of my favourite heroes and so I was really surprised when I opened the box to see what was inside. I like this toy because I can act out superhero fun on my own and with my friend. I have even found somewhere cool in the Batcave to hide the key to my secret spy diary.

There is no end to the fun with the Imaginex Batcave with a press button which launches projectiles (I can’t see why Kieran loves this so much!), an elevator so heroes can access all levels, doors that open and close, things that move and flip and shift….. hours of fun!

 Asda Wooden Market Stall

Taylor received the Wooden Market Stall, a very sturdy and versatile piece of pretend play kit. To date the market stall has been a sweet shop, a market stall, a pet shop, a puppet theatre and a supermarket. Taylor loves playing shop-keeper and it is great to see him using his imagination in this way. We have bought extra food etc for use with this stall (which came with a wooden till and set of handy weighing scales).

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Both boys have enjoyed hours of fun with these two fabulous review items and I will be looking again at the Asda toy range, especially for the roleplay type toys which both of mine both seem to love.


*I received these items for free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.



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