Medicines2U (For Me!)

You may remember that not too long ago I wrote a post about Medicines2U and how they would be helpful when stocking up on seasonal must-haves for the kids (first aid, scrapes and sunburn for summer, cold and flu relief for winter etc). Since then I have had a closer look at the site and never mind the children, (I love them really!), I’ve found several things on the site that excite me, as sad as that sounds.

Some of you who follow me on social media, especially Twitter will have had to listen to my whinging about the loss of my favourite facial exfoliating cream. I love a really gritting exfoliator and since my favourite Aapri scrub cream disappeared from “major” pharmacies and stores and I have been bereft (and spent a fortune testing sub-standard replacements). I was thrilled to fine that Medicines2U stock this now – hooray!



They also stock my favourite slimming sweets (they don’t actually slim you down but are Slimming World friendly for me which is great when I have the odd sweet tooth moment but don’t want to blow my Syns!).



They have fabulous and affordable whizzy toothbrushes (My dentist has suggested one of these as I have a wisdom tooth that has moved and is sore and hard to clean around (they won’t take the darn thing out until I have another “major infection”??) so this is also a bonus too.

Braun Oral-B


When it comes to treating myself clearly I am easily pleased however with prices like these I don’t exactly feel that I’m splashing out or blowing a budget.

I haven’t yet tried out the online pharmacy service however am very tempted as both Roy and I have a regular prescription to pick up each month and we have creams for Taylor’s sensitive skin on prescription too. I’ll let you know how I get on with them!


*This post was written in collaboration with the mention business yet is true to my own thoughts, feelings and experiences (and I am very chuffed to have found Aapri again!)

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