Be Prepared – Stocking Up The Medicine Cupboard

You don’t have to have been a Brownie or a Scout to get into the habit of being prepared, especially when you have kids! I’ve found through bitter experience that you will always need a certain gel, cream or medicine at 5pm on a Sunday when the chemists and all of the supermarkets have closed. I don’t keep a mini pharmacy in my cupboard but do always ensure that I have general and seasonal must-haves in.

Using an Online Chemist  makes it easy to search and buy (often cheaper than in high street pharmacies) the things that you need or are likely to need. With two boys who *touch wood* do tend to avoid sickness fairly well I have still been caught out in the past so now keep staples in stock.

Warmer Months

  • Calpol or an own brand alternative. I’ve found this invaluable to be honest.
  • Cough and cold remedies. Not just for the boys either, a cold is a cold but sometime some Flu Plus for us or some Vicks for the boys is needed to get through a particularly nasty snotty stage.


  • Sun care (high factor for us!).
  • Bite relief (“things” love to feed on me especially!).
  • Travel sweets (T seems to have developed a bit of car sickness!).

All Year Round

  • Piriton. Taylor has very sensitive skin and is allergic to certain antibiotics amongst other things. Nothing major however we always keep this in just in case as it helped a lot when he had the allergic reaction to penicillin and looked like he has measles.
  • Calpol / Nurofen for kids –  we only use these if we need to but when the thermometer starts beeping at us, we need to.
  • All things first aid, we have boys after all and they love to run, jump and climb…. and fall.
  • Panadol – for us, I like the blue ones (extra?) and can’t take other painkillers so these are worth having in.
  • Magic Cream – (aloe vera gel), this soothes bumps and bruises and works nearly as well as Mummy and Daddy kisses on small boy hurts.

Being able to buy these things online means nothing is forgotten, it comes direct to your door and you always have what you need in. The Online Prescription idea appeals to me too, I might just check this out as some point as I have a regular prescription every month.

My question for you all today is…  What is your medicine cupboard must have?

first aidPhoto Credit

*This post has been written in collaboration with the mentioned business yet is true to my own thoughts, feelings and experiences.

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