My Ultimate Christmas Song

When the lovely Claire from Cheshire Mum tagged me in this I knew instantly that my favourite Christmas song was Fairytale of New York, I mean Wham, I mean ….. oh! It took some thinking about but to be honest the one Christmas song that I absolutely adore and which always brings a happy tear or two to my eyes is Oh Holy Night.

I’ve chosen two versions for you, first is Il Divo because not only I would let any one of Il Divo “sing” to me, but also because they pull it together so beautifully.

Of course if Il Divo don’t ring bells for you then this stunning version from Celtic Woman certainly will!

What is your “Ultimate” Christmas song? ( I’d love for someone to say Bo Selecta -Proper Crimbo! ).

So ….. Kerry from Multiple Mummy , Liz from Me and My Shadow , Magz from TangerineTurtle, Kat from 3 Bedroom Bungalow and last but not least Wendy from Savette Gazette , what is your all time favourite Christmas song?

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