People blog for many reasons. For me it’s been about several things, it has been the springboard for starting myself as a freelance writer and various other bits and pieces, but the reason I do write is because I love it! I really do enjoy getting the random ramblings in my head down on paper, as such, and as a very lucky Mum and wife, regardless of what I am writing, my fellas are always “there” when I do. This is either as part of my experiences or because I am who I am and write the way I do because of them – so….
Today, no review, no big debate, no pregnancy drama, or funny comment of the day…. just a blogpost about how me and mine spent our weekend together.
4am: “Mummy, I’m in your bed”.
No?! Really? I thought someone had just shoved two ice-blocks into my back for the fun of it lol!
I gave up at 4.30am and we went downstairs to leave Daddy to get some sleep and get the fire on! It is very rare Kieran ever gets up this early (obviously – I’d have shot him by now otherwise lol), but when he does, I can’t really be mad, as sneaking downstairs when it’s still dark to have a warm drink and play for a few hours, just the two of us, has never lost it’s magic!
Later, it’s off to Grandma and Grandad Cawood’s house for a family visit, play then home for a rest (in my case a snooze, well I WAS up at 4am!) before a family tea (a chippy – naughty naughty!) and then a trek off to the Thirsk Firework Display. Armed with Kieran’s Ice Age torch and swathed in layer upon layer of clothing, gloves, scarves, wellies and hats – we set off and had a lovely night! Kieran kept up a running commentary throughout the walk, the show, the walk back and after hot chocolates all round, it was off to sleepyland for Kieran, and a curl up in front of the TV for us.
7am start (MUCH better son!) and I hit the ground running – we all did and have had a fabulous day- lots of housework done, Kieran has enjoyed crafts, jigsaws and being “Mummy’s helper” whilst Daddy has done a grand job of ticking off jobs off the ever-growing to-do list Mummy keeps finding hidden under the microwave and adding to (!). Nothing spectacular but busy in it’s own way, and homely. The slow cooker has been bubbling away, and our clean,tidy, cosy house has smelled of home baking and lasagne all day! You know what…. it’s been just lovely! Almost sinfully indulgent and although we didn’t visit a museum, go swimming, trek around a local attraction we have just had a fantastic time enjoying each other’s company and being a family.
And being able to share small snatches of our family life like this, the odd lazy weekend or simple afternoon, is really why I write.