Start a Family Friendly Business + Special Offer!!!

When I heard that Antonia Chitty (Family Friendly Working) & Helen Lindop (Business Plus Baby)
Both writers have set up successful businesses independently while continuing to support their families and so write from personal experience as well as from a professional point of view.

The book itself covers 129 family friendly businesses but rather than “just” a list of ideas, it explores in detail, looking at everything from direct sales, to virtual assistants, offering advice on starting up, where to find more information on many aspects of setting up and running a business, from building a website to things to consider such as who your competitors are and how you will finance your business, and again how this affects your profits.
It really does encompass everything you need to know and more, and no review I can do, unless I do a page by page review, could give you an adequate list of the wealth of info and advice offered!
I was very pleased to see a section on you, the potential business owner! It helps you explore WHY you want to run your own business, what skills, interests and experience you have that you can draw on and so much more. With there being so many flexible options out there nowadays it is so important to choose the right one, and it has to be an individual choice, something you can enjoy, be excited about and care enough about to nurture through the early months and years.
Having been in the situation myself where I found myself as a new Mum, suddenly hit with the realisation that my previously hard-earned career place was now not at all what I wanted or my family needed, I have been faced with the “What now?!” panic and not knowing what to do or what options were available to me. What should have been a somewhat liberating and exciting experience was quite daunting. Where on earth was this book then!?! It would have been a godsend!
I can’t recommend this highly enough!!

Start a Family Friendly Business – Bonus offer for TODAY ONLY (8th October 2010)
Buy the book today and you’ll also get
·         An exclusive podcast of Antonia Chitty and Helen Lindop’s tips and experience to help you create a successful business
·          The Mumpreneur Success report: A factsheet of tips to back up the podcast
·         Moving Your Business Forward:  An e-book to help you clarify what you want AND achieve it by Antonia Chitty
·         ‘9 Questions to Find YOUR Business Idea’ e-book from Helen Lindop.
PLUS, you get entered into a draw to win a mentoring session with Helen or Antonia

How to enter:
Buy your book from Amazon.
Submit your email and Amazon receipt number here and Antonia & Helen will send you an email with the link to download your bonuses right away! It’s that simple.

Remember!! This offer is for Friday 8th October ONLY and ends at midnight.

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  1. I had the pleasure of meeting both ladies at The Mumpreneur conference and awards on 18th September and saw Antonia again this week at Mumpreneur conference at Brighton. I bought two of her books – now to find time to read them!

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