Your Design: A Review

I love personalised gifts, both giving them and receiving them. Such things are personal to the person who is lucky enough to be gifted them and with so many funky options out there, the fun never ends.

Your Design is a rather cool online business offering personal gifts ranging from photo gifts, to cushions, mugs and more. Now if you are thinking “Yeah, but there are loads of personalised gift websites”, think again. This isn’t your bog standard site given that as well as the “normal” gifts you would expect to see, there is much more on offer. I also find the level of customisation impressive.

With Father’s Day coming up (Sunday 18th June here in the UK) I had started to think about getting some little gifts and treats from the boys for Roy, on top of the handmade goodies they always make which he loves. After having a nosy I came across this fab t-shirt.

I could choose to have this one personalised with “Since 2006″ (or whatever date) but actually liked it by itself. This t-shirt has arrived and is spot on. The printing is great, the t-shirt is good quality and best of all the sizing is spot on. Roy is 6ft 5” so needs a longer/bigger t-shirt and quite often the sizes tend to disappoint. Not this time though.

As a second gift, I chose this gamer’s mug. As well as his Dungeons and Dragons, scenery building and everything else, Roy loves his Xbox. I really liked this design and on the other side have had it personalised with his game tag (which I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t want me to advertise openly).

These goodies have been squirrelled away for Father’s Day but the boys saw them first and they were hailed with cries of “awesome-sauce!” and “epic” so I’m assuming that means they’ve passed their cool requirements.

As the title of this post suggests, this is a review post. I was offered a couple of items of my choice to keep, free of charge in exchange for an open and honest review, which is what I’ve provided. Had I thought the quality was crap, I’d have posted that. Thankfully though I didn’t need to, and on top of what I’ve received I have already bookmarked a couple of items for family members for later in the year. 

These type of gifts are great for those who are awkward to buy for (we all have one of those), for treats for your own home and even work-related, business branded items. The team at Your Design are always happy to talk to you to see what they can do to help you with your personalised orders.

If you want to see more of what Your Design offers pop along to the website or look them up on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

A question for you on personalised items: If you could receive one thing, one item which as personalised in some way, what would it be?