You may have recently spotted a tweet or Facebook update showing you this little lot, a fantastic Christmas bundle sent to us to review from Warner Brothers.
Needless to say the chocolates were snaffled in seconds and the candy canes disappeared from sight equally quickly!
The two adult films in this bundle were put aside for Roy and I to enjoy during date night. We are both very busy grown ups. We both work, we run a house and we have two very lovely and active little boys who incidentally seem to have better social lives than we do! We do make sure though that every now and again we put aside an evening, switch off the laptops, phones and the Xbox and just curl up and watch some tv or a movie because *flicks hair* we are worth it (and it’s quite nice).

Steak dinner at the ready, we put New Years Eve in first.
Roy agreed to watch this even though it was “clearly a chick flick” however thoroughly enjoyed it himself. Torn between belly-aching laughter and the odd tear (me not Roy) we really enjoyed this star-packed film. I won’t give any of the plot away but as with Valentine’s Day and similar films I can safely say that this was a hit. Perfect for watching with the other half or with girlfriends (I intend to have my sisters over again at some point to watch it with me) this film is just fabulous.
After pudding came the Dark Night Rises. Personally I was unsure about this one having heard mixed reviews and still being a loyal fan to the Kappow and Biff Batman shows (anyone who has seen them knows what I mean) however it came up trumps and the action packed storyline kept us going throughout.
Whether or not we wore the Batman and Cat Woman masks while watching this is something that you will forever have to wonder about.
We were tempted to crack open the Harry Potter Kinect game after the film however having eaten our collective bodyweight in food already, we decided against it although a review of this will, written in collaboration with our very clever (and opinionated) 6yr old tester, shortly be published.
All in I have to say that these two make a great “his and hers” date night combination, with both being enjoyed as neither is too “girly” or “macho”. Thanks again Warner Brothers for yet another great night in!
*We were sent this bundle to review honestly and openly. Warner Brothers have no control over the content of the review which has been written according to our own experiences and opinions.