Fortunately my boys aren’t very brand aware when it comes to clothing. Actually that probably isn’t entirely true as Kieran at nearly seven probably is yet doesn’t seem to care. As long as he looks “cool” and is comfortable he’s all set.
As cool as he may be he still manages to put the knees through his supermarket jeans (so does Taylor!) and has the ability to turn into a scruff bag with thirty seconds notice. While cheap and cheerful clothing works for very rough and tumble play such as the climbing and jumping they seem to favour it is nice to have more quality pieces in the wardrobe which tend to last longer!
You don’t need need to have daughters to play at dressing your kids up in fab clothing fortunately as my handsome fellas are just as much fun. On my travels I’ve come across a number of great items such as these Ecco Kids Shoes which aren’t overly expensive yet look great. These shoes look very much like Clarks and yet open the door to new design. Taylor needs decent ankle support, as do all little ones and so these look like winner and are similar to the shoe shop price I would pay anyway.
While Taylor doesn’t care Kieran will browse with me and enjoy looking at different colours and styles, especially for a special occasion. We have a christening coming up very soon and a gorgeous blazer from the Mayoral range has caught his eye. Being very slender yet tall the cut of this one looks as if it will work well for him.
With a new niece on the way in October and my two growing so fast clothes shopping is a regular occurrence in this house. I enjoy browsing new boutiques and online store for good quality clothing which doesn’t blow the budget and which looks just a bit different. My question for you all today is: What is the piece of clothing that your child or children just won’t do without? Right now Kieran has a pair of skinny jeans that he just won’t do without and a Ben Sherman jumper which is running the risk of being washed to death.

*This post has been written in collaboration with the mentioned business yet is true to my own thoughts, feeling and experiences.