For The Love of Reading

Reading, book

As many of you already know I am a big reader. My prized possession as a young teen was the adult library card which enabled me to further explore the types of books not available to those restricted to the children’s section. A whole new world was opened up to me, from crime novels to shabby Mills & Boon romances the day I qualified for the grown up card and I was hooked.

As the years have gone on I’ve continued to read  constantly, something Roy and I both share. While I was a fan of Anne Mccaffrey for years before we met it was Roy who really opened up my eyes to the fantasy genre. Over the past seventeen years I’ve read every Dragonlance, Raymond Fiest and David Gemmell book written to mention just a few.

My thirst for genre discovery has continued to grow and while I still love the fantasy genre as a whole I’ve recently found myself looking towards autobiographies, fiction based on real life / historical events and overall quite involved books. I can absolutely recommend for example Not My Father’s Son by Alan Cummings and hope to soon be able to same the same of my current read, The Chalice by Nancy Bilyeau which I am struggling to put down (think dissolution of the monasteries, historical drama and necromancy etc).

When I went through my crime phase it was mostly Ed McBain and Patricia Cornwell that tickled my literacy-based fancy, along with a smattering of Sue Grafton (I’ve not made it past N is for Noose yet).

I’ve also enjoyed over the years and especially the past five years or so more easy reads, current ones, historical ones, “chit lit” ones and the like. Thank goodness for the library who has kept me very well stocked with everything from Danielle Steel to Rachael Lucas!

The only book-type I’ve never really explored fully is the horror section (other than a keen Stephen King obsession at one point). This is where I’m looking for recommendations. This list looks like a fabulous place to start but I’d also like to hear from those of you who have read some fabulous horrors and psychological thrillers and have specific titles to share.

If you have a must-read recommendation for me please share!