Make Sure Your Home is Winter-Ready

Make Sure Your Home is Winter-Ready, winter house, house in snow

As the seasons change and winter approaches, it’s vital to make sure your home is winter-ready. From freezing temperatures to snow and rain, winter can be the toughest season for your property to cope with. Due to this, it’s important to take steps to mitigate the impact. To get started, take a look at these five ways to make sure your home is winter-ready:

Make Sure Your Home is Winter-Ready: Check Your Heating System

If you haven’t used your heating system much over spring and summer, you don’t want to find out that it isn’t working just as the cold weather sets it. When you check your system early, you have enough time to resolve any issues before it gets too cold. Similarly, stock up on bunded oil tanks now if you have an oil-powered system. This will ensure you’ve got all the supplies you need to keep warm over winter. 

Inspect the Roof

Missing or loose roof tiles aren’t uncommon, but they can lead to significant issues if they aren’t repaired or replaced. If the rainwater can get into your loft via roof tiles, it could cause flooding, damp and mould. Additionally, water damage can cause timber to rot. This could have a considerable impact on the structural integrity of the property. If you don’t fancy climbing a ladder yourself, hire a trusted roofing company to inspect your roof and replace missing or damaged tiles. 

Make Sure Your Home is Winter-Ready – Upgrade Your Insulation

If you want to cut the cost of your home utility bills, upgrading your insulation can be the most effective way to achieve your goals. When your property is better insulated, less heat will escape from it. As a result, be able to reduce the temperature on the thermostat or have the heating on less often. When you’re not using your heating system as frequently, you’ll spend less on fuel and make your property more sustainable in the process. 

Block Unused Chimneys

Unused chimneys can mean that a lot of heat escapes your home, so don’t let these features send your fuel bills soaring. Instead, having unused chimneys blocked off by a professional or use a chimney balloon to prevent heat loss. This is a cost-effective way to minimise the negative impact that an unused chimney can have while still allowing you to retain the original features of your property. 

Test Smoke and Fire Alarms Regulary

You should test smoke, fire and carbon monoxide alarms at regular intervals throughout the year but it’s particularly important to do this during winter. At a time when you’re going to be more likely to use a heating system, electric heaters and candles, it’s worth making sure that safety alarms are in good working order. 

Protecting Your Property Throughout Winter

Taking the time to get your home winter-ready can save you a considerable amount of time and money. By preventing unnecessary damage from occurring and voiding the need for repairs in the future, getting your home ready for winter will ensure you enjoy everything the season has to offer without worrying about the impact on your property. 


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