1. I was quite pleased – we went off on the school run in coats and by midday it was another scorcher. Being me, I didn’t think to put Kieran’s sun cap in his bag for if the fog lifted – whoops

    1. Thank you – It looked so glum but was lifting and you could see the sun fighting to get out. Turned into a glorious day!

      *Curly haired people are naturally the most intelligent – our brains have to be that much more developed to push our thoughts out past the tangles (or so I think!) :p

  1. Ugh. This reminds be of what I like the least about the UK… foggy, dreary mornings. And then I think about the fact that a glorious morning here makes me immediately suspicious that it will soon turn dreary and rainy.

    I love the British sense of humor and completely *get* how it developed after living in this weather for two years. 🙂

  2. Love this shot! Very atmospheric, incites a feeling of nostalgia. Reminds me a bit of a scene from a Tarkovsky or Kieslowski film.

    1. Thank you – this could be my favourite comment so far today – mainly because it makes me sound like a much better photographer than I am! 🙂

  3. Ooooh I really like that! It took me a while to decide if it was the sun or the SuperMoon but I decided sun because it’s quite bright!! Fab shot x

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