Yoga and Whole Body Wellness

yoga-in-dharamsalaFor years I’ve been waffling on about needing to exercise me. I’ve power walked, done step aerobics, water aerobics (that nearly finished me off) and followed fitness DVDs from Spice Girl get fit to a very cheesy Zumba video. Predictably it didn’t take me long to fall off the wagon.

As a young woman, I was believed that “an hour here” and a “fitness class there” was all that was needed to make me the best I could be physically. Over time I’ve realised there’s a lot more to it than that. I know now, wiser with age, that to affect real change you need to look at your body as a whole as opposed to separate parts. You also need to consider the link between physical and mental wellness.

I’m not particularly sporty or as active as I should be these days. I spend more hours than I should sat behind a computer. That said I am at least aware of the need for change and the type of change that is required.

For me, Yoga looks set to take me where I need and want to be. I’m not looking to be the same size and shape as I was when I was eighteen (that ship has sailed!), I’m looking to be the best version of myself I can be, inside and out.

Looking into Yoga properly, researching for personal reasons with copywriting precision I’ve learned a lot more about Yoga, its background, the culture, history and ethos behind it. I’ve also realised that someone who can take me where I want to be will have undertaken a lot of training.

Those undertaking yoga training in Dharamsala for example, learn about nutrition as well as the spiritual and physical aspects of Yoga. When you view a Yoga exercise class you don’t truly appreciate the depth of understanding, the amount of training and I believe the dedication that goes into becoming a yoga teacher, and helping others to achieve their goals.

I’m feeling quite zen I suppose you could say, about myself and my future. I have health goals and wellness goals and for the first time feel that I’ve found a way to help me achieve them, by making life changes. Who knows, perhaps one day I’ll catch the bug and might look to train as a yoga teacher myself? Anything is possible…..