Fiendish fruit and vegetable freaks with Innocent

When it comes to putting the fun into your 5 a day, Innocent have it sorted!

Amongst the sweets and chocs that come traditionally at this time of year, Innocent threw down a challenge to see if we could have just as much fun in a spookily healthy way.

Could we make a fruit and veg freak for Halloween?

Yes we could!

Introducing VEGIKYLL
VEGIKYLL is an evil aubergine - no other fruit or veg is safe!
This is not a veggie monster to mess with!

Kieran had loads of fun with this project and prompted by Innocent who hates waste as much as we do, we salvaged what veg we could after Vegikyll had been on his rampage and have made some yummy soup!

Thank you Innocent for a very fun afternoon! Find out more about Innocent on the website and join in the fun on Twitter.

*No vegetable was killed in the making of this blog post. Innocent kindly sent us some veggies and innocent magnets as part of this challenge. Innocent cannot be held accountable for anything Vegikyll does or has already done.