Toddlers: An Instruction Manual for Surviving Years One to Four by Joanne Mallon

Toddlers, an instruction manual When I was pregnant with my eldest, Kieran, I bought every baby and toddler book going. The baby ones were glanced at then put on the lovely nursery shelf so that I could read for the 30,00th time the “How you know you are in labour”, “What will happen in hospital” and “What you will need” leaflets from the midwife service.

After Kieran was born and started toddling around I dusted off my “Know your Toddler” books, certain that they would hold the secret to ensuring thet oddler years were as pleasant as possible for all concerned. It became evident pretty quickly that these books were a load of tripe! Page after page of condescending nonsence that served one purpose only and that was to convince me that I was the worse Mum in the world, ever!

So why am I now blogging about a toddler guidebook? This one is different! Toddlers: An Instruction Guide to Surviving the Years One to Four is written by Joanne Mallon, a journalist for 15 years, a parent for 12 years and a life coach for 10years. It does not contain one ounce of condescending bullshit. This books features extracts from the real toddler experts, Mums and Dads (including me!).

Joanne works her way through all the aspects that we know and love about owning our own piece of toddler-dom from sleeping, eating and potty training to discipline, interacting with siblings and new babies as well as looking after yourself. Curled up reading this book I found myself swinging from snorts of laughter (she has a great way with words!) and I-remember-that-well nods. I’ve done toddler years and survived with most of my sanity and furnishings intact. Now I find myself facing those brilliant discovery years again for the second time and am so glad, having read the book, that I have it here if I want it or to remind me that it is ok to want to scream into a pillow, even if the sofa has new swirly permanent marker patterns.

Toddlers: An Instructions Manual for Surviving Years One to Four is available in paperback and in Kindle format and is NOT to be missed!