The terror that is teething and Boots!

Yes, it’s that time again… teething.

It seems ridiculous that my newborn has evolved into a furniture munching, crawling, weaned little man who is teething! Unfortunately, much like his brother, Taylor has had a rough time with it. He has cut three teeth in a week, and cut them hard but the actually teething process started about six weeks ago. I recognised the signs immediately – red cheeks, lots of dribble, unwillingness to open his mouth unless he had something to shove in there which nine times out of ten was spat out again as it didn’t stop the hurting.

I don’t give the boys Calpol or similar unless they really need it, i.e. are ill and have a temperature that needs the paracetamol to bring it down. I save that for when they really need it so that it does the job when I do give it. Teetjing pain can’t be ignored though and I’ve always used teething gel and powders to ease the way.

When the lovelies at Boots sent me this little care package for Taylor recently I was over the moon. I was already stocked with powders and gel, being the best for Kieran when he went through it, but the more the merrier and these two teethers, the Baby Fun Rattle Teether and Boots Baby Fruit Shaped Teether, are brilliant! Easy to grip and flexible with nodules for easy chewing and pain relief. Both can be chilled in the fridge for extra relief.

The teething gel is fast acting and seems to take the edge off. It contains a antiseptic and anaesthetic which combined is perfect for dulling the pain.

The Boots Teething Powders…. excellent. Taylor loves these and will happily open wide for me to tip them into his mouth. They quickly dissolve and the slight grittiness is an added benefit. These are a homeopathic remedy that is widely used. Both of my boys have befitted greatly from them and I continue to use them.

Teething can be rough, an out of sorts baby who is uncomfortable, sometimes has a runny bum (thank gawd for Zinc & Caster Oil cream – great barrier!), tears and broken sleep. There are ways to help and Boots have always been my first port of call and I believe were the first for my Mum for myself and my five siblings. That says something doesn’t it!?

You can find more information on teething products and more on the Boots website or  in your local store.

**Check with your pharmacist before using any medicine or remedy and always read the instructions.

*** Boots kindly send us some products to try and review if we wished. The fact that I already used some of them says it all really but I must point out that these opinions are my own and based on my experiences and are in no way influenced by Boots.

Dear So and So – The Body Edition

Dear So and So...

Dear Time Of The Month

It’s very kind of you to make sure you visit me every month, without fail. The thing is, and this is getting a bit awkward, you are kind of outstaying your welcome. 11 days a month? Really? For that length of time I’d expect someone to contribute towards the extra food that gets consumed during their stay.

You are becoming a real pain,


Her in agony!


Dear Kieran,

“Mummy, put the Jive Bunny music back on, it ‘s REALLY funny when you dance to it”

I will remember that Son,

Mummy x


Dear Teething Fairy

You were warned last week, pack the hell in tormenting my baby!

Watching you,

Her who hates her son being in pain


Dear Doctor,

Thanks for the full breast exam, I’m glad there was nothing sinister in the end. I feel much reassured

Her with the *now* very sore boobs.

PS Thanks for warming your hands up though!


Dear Always Ultra

These aren’t wings, they are barely wing-lets!


Her who is pee’d off!


Dear Self,

Stop being a plum, your smear is overdue,

Not cool,

Get it booked in for as soon as Time Of The Month buggers off.

From, Plumhead


Dear Self

Deciding to get new furniture, and totally rearrange the upstairs of your house with a teething baby, sore boobs and the Time Of The Month on an extended visit…… didn’t really think that through did you?



Dear Husband

Apologies, I suspect I may be being something of a cowbag, it’s the hormones you see.

I love you,

Wife xxxxxxxx

PS Help me rearrange and sort out upstairs (yes I know I said I wanted to do it myself) – it will make me much less snarly, honest 🙂