A-Z of Nicki

I’m not much of a meme fan but this one which the lovely Carolin from MummyAlarm kindly tagged me in makes great reading (well hers did!) so I thought “Why Not?”. Here is the A-Z of Nicki!
  • ANORAK…Do you have a sad side? I’m a bit of a sci-fi / fantasy geek. There I said it! I read a lot and for every chick lit or fiction novel you’ll find one on my bookshelf with a dragon or similar!
  • BODY…What physical attribute would you most like to change? The first think that comes to mind is “weight” but since becoming a Mum again and losing a bit of weight I no longer strive for a certain weight, just to be healthy. I’m more comfortable with my body that I have every been. It’s a nice feeling.
  • CELEBRITY…Which one would you most like to date and why? I am so fickle! This changes depending on what’s going on in the world or what my hormones are doing. I’ll go with Richard Gere today because he is an intellectual and… ok, he has a FINE ass!
  • DEBUT …Tell us about your first ever blog post. What made you start blogging? My first post on Curly&Candid was my father amusing birth story. Kieran being my first, I had no idea what to expect and the write up show that! I started blogging to house my guest posts as well as just for me.
  • ERROR …What’s been your biggest regret? Given a time-machine and being told we could go back and change anything many would say “I wouldn’t go out with him”, “I wouldn’t take that job” etc. For me, I wouldn’t change a thing, everyone I’ve met, everything I’ve seen and done makes me who I am.
  • FUNNY – who’s making you laugh?The Kids! Kieran especially as he is at the right age to come out with some right clangers! (Usually in public too).
  • GRAND…If we gave you one right now what would you spend it on? I should say “The kids” or similar but honestly, a 2 piece suite to get rid of this ORANGE goose feather filled monstrosity and anything left over to go toward new carpets in the lounge & on the stairs. These are two big things to replace but what a difference they’d make!
  • HOLIDAY… What’s your favourite destination? Findhorn in Scotland. I lived nearby as a young child and fell in love with it, so much so that we decided to go there on our honeymoon. Roy feels just the same way as I do about the place, it’s magical.
  • IRRITATE… What’s your most annoying habit? I chew pens, often ruining them. I started when I gave up smoking many years ago and it means that despite working from home full time, there is rarely a pen that works in the house! (And sometimes I get an inky mouth!).
  • JOKER…Whats your favourite joke {the one that makes you laugh everytime you hear it}? What do you call a fly with no wings? A WALK! HAHAHAHA (Ok, it’s funnier when Kieran says it then collapses in a heap laughing)
  • KENNEL… Do you have any pets? No, despite being a Mum with two monkeys (boys!) I am not an animal lover. That said I’ve promised Kieran a hamster at some point (Clever me!).
  • LOVE…Are you single, married, engaged, living with a long term partner?  I am a very happily married lady! We’ve been together 12 years and married just over 8 years. Roy is my best friend as well as my husband and we are hopelessly soppy still, even after all this time.
  • MEAL… Whats your ultimate starter, main and dessert? Being one who loves food.. a lot, I really couldn’t narrow it down to one dish or set of dishes… sorry!
  • NOW…If you could be anywhere right now where would you be and who with?I’d be in bed, tucked up warm with a good book and knowing I could fall asleep and stay in bed as long as I like. Just because!
  • OFF DUTY…What do you do in your spare time? Reading, watching TV, spending quality time with the husband.. nothing hugely exciting but that suits me after a busy day.
  • PROUD MOMENTS …What are you most proud of? My boys, at 5yrs and 11m they are already growing into two fine young men.
  • QUEASY …What turns your stomach? Gore, especially goo and snot (but only on films fortunately or I’d spend much of my Mummy time gagging!)
  • RELAX…How do you relax? I crank up and lose myself in music, or a book. Oldies but goodies!
  • SONG…Whats your favourite song of all time? I’m a big music lover and my favourite changes daily. Today though, it is this:
  • http://youtu.be/LCuSo8q7HnI
  • TIME …If you could go back in time and relive it again, when would you choose? This is a difficult one to be honest. My first thought was to visit those who have passed, spend more time with them but to be honest I wouldn’t want to go anything different or change any memories that I have. I might be one of the very few who would turn down a go in a time machine.
  • UNKNOWN…Tell us something about yourself that no one else knows? My second toe is slightly longer than my big toe on both feet, how is that for weird!?
  • VOCAL…. Who is your favourite artist? Again, I admire so many different artists and music styles so I’m going to say my favourite vocalist is Jodie, my sister who has her own very popular local band, Jodie & The Lost Boys and has an absolutely cracking voice! Whenever she is on stage I could burst with pride!
  • WORK….. What is your dream job, and are you doing it now? Yup, sorry folk but I really am living the dream! I am working full time from home as a freelance writer doing everything from ghost-writing to producing copy and editing. I love how varied the work is and the new challenges.
  • XRAY…Any broken bones? I had a greenstick fracture when I was about 6/7 years but didn’t even get to have a pot (gutting!), just a sling for a day or two.
  • YIKES…What’s been your most embarrassing moment? Oh pick your poison! Could it be climbing up on the GP table at 37wk pregnant to show him my thrombosed pile (yes this is real, yes it was hideous) or … oh there are just too many moments!
  • ZOO…. If you were an animal, which one would you be? An elephant obviously, I’d get to fill my trunk with water and soak anyone I fancied but no-one would dare tell me off because I’d be so big!

So there you are, me in an A-Z nutshell!

If you are still awake, I applaud you!

Apparently now I’m suppose to tag some people but will ask for volunteers then add a list below.

The Guardian Asks Some Questions #fun

I’m not a big fan of memes in truth but I AM a big fan of Jay / @cosmicgirlie, the queen of smut, innappropriate tweets and the one person on twitter who with 140 characters (sometimes less) can reduce me to belly aching laughter. Seeing as she was kind enough to tag me because “I would so sleep with her” (meaning me) it would be bloody rude to refuse. Jay has an insane fantastic blog, MochaBeanieMummy you really must have a nosy at by the way (no really!).

So- here is you chance to find out a few things about me you might not have known!

Which living person do you most admire, and why?

*Position Vacant*

The fact that I’m wracking my brain to think of just one person means that there isn’t just one, but a few people. So, if you want to fill that position, please go and do something absolutely mindblowing (in a good way!) then come back and let me know.

When were you happiest
I honestly don’t think I knew what truly happy was until I had the boys. If I had to pick one moment it would have been Xmas day this year, with my two kids, my fab husband, my Mum, Dad, brothers, sisters and their families, at Mum & Dad’s house – sat around the tree, exchanging gifts, laughing and being wrapped in pretty much complete contentment.

What was your most embarrassing moment?
Being 37wks pregnant, with a thrombosed pile, and having to climb up onto a GP’s table to show him the offending um article before being referred to A&E. It wouldn’t have been too bad if he hadn’t looked at my bare bum and said “Oh my, that IS huge”. Meaning the pile obviously!

Aside from property, what’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought?

I’m a bit of a tightwad, the most I have ever paid for anything (other than cars) is £595.99 which is this piece of rubbish laptop which has more than had it’s day and in desperate need of replacement. Any PR companies reading?

What is your most treasured possession?

I now know kids can’t be classed as possessions as that is what Ebay told me when they removed my listing when I tried to sell them.

If the house burned to the ground tomorrow I’d be most gutted to lose my photos, and things that truly can’t be replaced, like the cup my Gran Taylor had made with my name and details on when I was born, and cards and letters from people who are no long here or I no longer see,and the Boys’ boxes with first pictures, hospital tags, weight cards etc. Everything else is replaceable. Ok it’s not ONE thing but I’d be equally gutted to lose any of these.

Where would you like to live?

Right now – here, (Sowerby/Thirsk in North Yorkshire) but in a bigger house (not huge, just bigger) with a smaller better maintained garden, and a cleaner.

What’s your favourite smell?
That smell that is that is the combination of all the chinese takeaway dishes that you smell as you walk past the shop. You could easily bankrupt yourself buying different dishes trying to find THE dish that tastes like that smell. Oh and my freshly bathed babies / kids!

Who would play you in the film of your life?
Julia Roberts – who else?

What is your favourite book?I have read Silent Honour by Danielle Steel approx 8 times, I couldn’t put The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini down and have read all 68 Chalet School books at least twice each. My favourite book-  it depends on my mood!

What is your most unappealing habit?

I asked my husband this question and he just snorted. I’m not sure what that means.

What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?
I absolutely HATE fancy dress. I would do pretty much anything to avoid dressing up. That said, I did a wicked drunken (very) St Trinian on my hen night. But enough about that….

What is your earliest memory?
When my sister Jodie arrived at our house. Magically of course. I was 2.5yrs and remember being told to “shh” and not “touch/wake the baby” – and promptly poking her in the eye and panicking when she cried. Wuss.

What is your guiltiest pleasure?

Cheese. Oh gawd I love cheese. When young(er) I snuck into the fridge, took a big bite out of the cheddar and put the block back. Damn my perfect teeth – the indentation gave me away instantly.

What do you owe your parents?

My gut reaction is to say “everything” but I don’t think I do, everything I’ve had, from material stuff to support and care has been given unconditionally – I am lucky enough to have that kind of family. (That is not to say I am hugely grateful to them for not being crap, evil, tight parents!).

What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My first and only one-night-stand.

I married him.

What does love feel like?
Like anything is possible, like the whole world would explode if that person/s was taken away, like I am invincible. It can make me just smile, randomly, even when no-one is around.

What was the best kiss of your life?

Well there was this  one night stand………….

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Lol (online), buggeration, barsteward and whoops (clumsy cow).

What is the worst job you’ve done?
My first job (for 2.5hrs) was as a washer-upper for a really grumpy pair of sods who ran a B&B type place. Hated it!

If you could edit your past, what would you change?
Your past shapes you and you should never regret anything.

That said – if I had a time machine this hairstyle would be the one thing I would go back and change. And yes, I did that willingly.

What is the closest you’ve come to death?
Luckily *touch wood* I have never been seriously ill or had an accident. I won’t pretend to have any idea what it means/feels like to be anywhere near death.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Having my two boys. After being told that due to my fertility problems, I would most likely never conceive naturally. I did – three times actually, although one wasn’t to be. Yup two lovely boys…. bit quick to say “Nay” weren’t you quacks! Never a good idea to tell me I can’t have something I want – ask the hubby!

When did you last cry, and why?

This morning, at about 5am, just for a minute. Why? No bloody idea – sodding hormones!

How do you relax?

Curling up with the hubby, writing, watching DIY/home makeover shows, reading, tweeting!

What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
Honestly? A higher income. I know it’s not very British to talk money but there are things I’d like I can’t afford. Rather than whining about it though, I am working my ass off to do something about it!

What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
Respect yourself. No-one else will respect you if you can’t respect yourself.

Now to tag people – *rubs hands together*.

First off Geoff (@GDRHosting) from Best Bits & Bobs – because he is my brother, a new-ish blogger, and knows I’ll be a pain in the arse if he doesn’t take part.
The fabulous Maggy (@RedtedArt) from RedTedArt because quite simply she is the art & craft queen (seriously).
The very talented Natalie (@preciousparcels) who has a new personal blog- MummyMemoirs that constantly has me grinning / nodding.
AND Claire (@rainbowclaire) who blogs here and is bloody good fun!