Snoring Beauty

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I have a funny story for you.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess with long dark curly hair (that’s me. I don’t have frizz in the fairy story version) who met and married a handsome Prince named Roy. Roy was the very best husband in every way. That is until that fateful night when he betrayed her horribly.

It goes a little like this:

The Princess fell fast asleep in bed, next to the Prince who was playing Division on his Xbox 1.
The Prince was talking to his Squires (also playing Division) via a magical headset.
The Princess, such a delicate creature, then proceeded to snore like a drunk buffalo with a head cold so that all the Squires and everyone in the entire kingdom could hear her.

The shame!

Needless to say, a good laugh was had by all, especially the Princess when she heard all about it via the amused Xbox chat the next day.

The Princess felt most strongly that the Prince should have switched the chat function off as soon as she started snuffling which he knows full well is followed by a hearty snore.

To be fair the Prince has a decent nose and throat roar himself (think more disgruntled dragon than an ordinary man-snore) so he should have been better at helping this poor Princess mask her affliction. She’ll get her own back though because the Grimm Brothers, who wrote dark fairy tales such as these, would be terribly disappointed otherwise.

Joking aside though, snoring can be a pain both for the person snoring who might find themselves woken up by their own noise, a sharp dig in the ribs or a kick and for the poor so and so who has to listen to it while trying to get off to sleep. Seeing as there is no law against the person who snores falling asleep before the snore-less one it could be time to look for an answer elsewhere.

Some people snore due to underlying conditions whereas some people just snore. No doubt if you are dealing with a snoring person or trying to stop yourself snoring you’ll have tried a number of strips, sleeping positions and more. Have you tried a stop snoring mouthpiece? We haven’t because thankfully I only snore when I have a cold / blocked up nose and Roy when he is very, VERY tired and if he has a cold. There are many that have it seems so it could be worth considering, especially if the usual remedies aren’t working.

Do you snore or have a partner who does? How do you deal with it? Any top tips or comments on your experience of using a mouth guard would no doubt be useful to those looking for a solution.