After spending the last few months bitterly complaining about the fact that spring seems to have forgotten to arrive, avoiding the gas and electricity meter man who wants to send my readings to the energy company (he caught me – darn!) and willing the sun to shine so that I can get outside in the garden, you could say that I’m ready for Summer.
Being so very ready for some sun it might seem a bit bizarre that I am already thinking about Christmas. I haven’t got one of those “days to Christmas” tickers anywhere I promise however with a huge family and our four, lots of traditions and more it is so important to plan ahead.
For the first time in years I have vouchers coming that will cover the majority of our Christmas shopping (Thanks Park!), I already have lists of what to get who so that I may keep my eyes open for bargains and I already have a few fabulous homemade wrapping paper ideas pinned in Pinterest. I’m good to go.
Being so organised I’ve started thinking about perhaps going way just before Xmas for a short holiday. In my other life as a freelance writer I’ve written a couple of articles about Lapland at Christmas and I find the idea enchanting. I’m not sure if at 2yrs old Taylor would get the full benefit yet however if not this year I’m definitely hoping to arrange magical Christmas holidays Lapland style for next Christmas. I mentioned this once before on Facebook and was surprised and secretly thrilled with the amount of people who piped up with “Yes, do it, we did and it was amazing!!”.
It really does sound like the sort of trip that would make a fantastic memory for the boys.
What do you all think? I know it’s barely spring but if we were to go away this year we’d have to think about saving, planning etc now. Have you been? What would you recommend or tell me to avoid and should I wait until Taylor is a tiny bit old (he is two now but will have just turned four before Xmas next year)? We’d like to go for a long weekend ideally but is this enough? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

*Written in collaboration with the mentioned business yet true to my thoughts, feelings and experiences