Organic Baby Shopping

As I may have mentioned once or twice my sister is having her first baby soon and I am ridiculously excited about this. This is not just the first baby from one of my sisters; this is my first niece on my side of the family.

I thoroughly enjoyed shopping for my two boys however when buying for your own soon-to-arrive babies you find yourself enjoying it slightly less than buying for others as you get bogged down in the practical rather than the fun and the pretty. Buying for someone else’s baby, that is a whole new experience.

Another site I have discovered on my travels is Little Green Sheep and this site appeals to me not just because of the reasonably priced goods but also the wealth of healthy and organic items. When buying for Taylor (three in November – where does the time go?), I opted for more organic-type clothing, bedding etc and am glad I did as it turns out he has sensitive skin, very sensitive when he was a baby although better now and I had to be very careful what touched his skin, what I used to do washing etc.

This site seems to be the one-stop shop for all things organic and natural and I do wish I’d found it when my two were babies. These baby sheepskins for example are delightful and are on my list of “could buy for Lady D” (Lady D is the name my sister and her husband have given her little one so we have something to call her as they won’t give in and tell us the name yet!).

We are very lucky now to have such a great choice of websites and stores when it comes to buying for babies and children, I’m certainly having fun browsing them 🙂

Organic Baby Items


*This post was written in collaboration with the mentioned business yet is true to my own thoughts, feelings and experiences.

Beautiful Bread Boxes

Recently I posted about the organic fruit and veg scheme being run by friends of mine. The Yorkshire Farm Shop veg boxes have gone on to be a huge hit in the North Yorkshire area, so much so that a new range has already been added to the veg box and dairy items already on offer.


Yorkshire Farm Shop has teamed up with Dumouchel, West Yorkshire to offer us all fantastic Yorkshire baked bread for our weekly order. This bread can be frozen as soon as you get it and once defrosted takes only 3-5 minutes to refresh in the oven (depending on how crusty you like your bread). This means you can have fresh baked bread straight from your freezer.

Everyone last week was given a Dumouchel White Boule as a sample and it went down very well! The white boule is not a huge loaf though substantial enough for Roy to slice it through the middle amd make the biggest bap looking thing I have ever seen for work (piglet!). The text I got from work at midday read “Have we any more of this bread?? It’s gorgeous”.
Roy is fussy about bread so this is high praise indeed! We did have another loaf but this one was sliced and used for sandwiches and toast for all the family after being defrosted and refreshed for literally three minutes.

A quick sit in the oven refreshes these loaves beautifully.

The Yorkshire Farm Shop & Duchomel have a number of bread orders on offer so that you can choose an option that works for you and your budget as you can see from the order list before.

If you would like to talk to YFS about adding bread to a veg order or have any queries about what they offer and where  then email or call 07795 663 770. Similarly you can reach out to the Yorkshire Farm Shop on Facebook or Twitter. The website is “in progress” and soon to be updated so make sure you bookmark it.

Favourites Box
2 white boule, 2multigrain battard, 1 wholemeal tin, 2 green olive, 1 tomato and basil £20.00
White Selection
2 Battard, 2 Boule, 1 Sesame Boule, 1 Poppy Seed Boule, 2 small tin loaves £17.50
Brown Selection
2 seeded multigrain, 2 multigrain battard, 1 small wholemeal tin, 2 sourdough, 1 whlemeal battard £17.50
Specialiaty Selection
1 cheese bread, 2 walnut & raisin, 2 green olive, 1 onion bread, 2 tomato and basil £24.50
White Boule
Small White Tin Loaf
White Battard Any 2 loaves £5
Sesame Boule Any 4 loaves £10.00
Poppy Seed Boule Any 8 loaves £19.50
Small Wholemeal Tin
Wholemeal Battard
Multi Seeded Battard Any 2 loaves £6
Multigrain battard Any 4 loaves £12.00
Any 8 loaves £23.50
Walnut & raisin Any 2 loaves £7
Green Olive Any 4 loaves £14.00
Cheese Any 8 loaves £27.50
Tomato & Basil
Also croissant £1
Pain au chocolats £1.20
(Both made with Yorkshire butter)