Natural Remedies You Can Plant In Your Garden

Natural Remedies You Can Plant In Your Garden

This time of year it’s perfect weather to get back into gardening. Gardening is now recognised as a wellness trend, due to the fact that it’s very therapeutic. It enables you to get back in touch with nature and gain some perspective. The wonderful thing is you can enjoy the fruits of your own efforts. As a family, we are planning to plant a herb garden this year and grow some natural remedies. With everybody stuck at home, what better way to unwind than with a healthy new hobby? Here are some examples of natural remedies that you can plant at home. 

Natural Remedies You Can Plant In Your Garden: Calendula

Calendula blossoms from spring to autumn, but is suited to gardens that get a lot of sunlight. It needs a cooler climate to last longer. It’s mainly used for cosmetics, like creams with soothing and antiseptic qualities. It’s a natural remedy for things like nappy rash and disinfectant for small wounds. With a delicious, marigold scent, it makes a lovely addition to any garden. 

Fresh, Great in Cookery and a Natural Remedy: Mint

This one takes care of itself. Mint tends to flourish in any garden and is ideal if you’re looking for low maintenance options.  It’s mostly a culinary herb. It goes great with lamb and adds an aromatic touch to grills, moussaka and Greek-style stews. Mint also has digestive properties so if you’re feeling full after eating, it’s effective in tea. It can also be added to essential oils to soothe muscles. 

Tasty and Useful: Rosemary

This one has multiple uses. First of all, it’s delicious with chicken, lamb, or roasted vegetables. It also acts as a stimulant making it a great natural alternative to caffeine. Rosemary has been reported to enhance memory and concentration by helping to bring oxygen to your brain. There are plenty of lovely ways to cook with fresh rosemary. The best part is it’s easy to grow as well. Order one plant online and soon enough you’ll have a robust, gorgeous smelling hedge. 

Smells Great and Destresses: Lavender

Another low maintenance choice, lavender bushes are typically blooming all year round, although they thrive in warmer gardens. Lavender is normally used as a natural sedative due to its calming properties. It’s great for relieving stress and tension. If you’re looking for more natural ways to reduce stress, you could try out CBD Eliquid

Lavender can also be used in cooking. It adds a unique flowery hint to desserts and sweets. 

Basil: My Favourite Herb Scent

With a scent that carries you all the way to the Mediterranean, basil is a must this summer. It does best in hotter months but will die out in the winter so get planting now. 

Natural Remedies You Can Plant In Your Garden

Whereas summer is an ideal time, some herbs are seasonal. There a few important things to remember when growing herbs. You’ll need to be careful with the type of soil you have, and the positioning of the plant relating to sunlight. With a bit of online advice, you’ll be an expert in no time. Put your green thumbs to work and indulge in a little garden therapy. 

Adults Using Natural Supplements to Enhance Health

Many of you will know that I have challenged myself somewhat to go back to basics when it comes to shopping and cooking. For the main part this for budget reasons as I find it so much cheaper to shop this way and less time consuming. Of course, on top of the financial benefits the health implications are also undeniable.

Recently I’ve been asked to review nutritional supplements for children. I firmly believe that unless there is a very good reason why not that children should get all of the nutrients that they need from their meals and drinks. We eat as healthily as we can, make food fun, try new things and I actively encourage the boys to enjoy helping out in the kitchen. I really do feel that fostering a love of good wholesome food early on is important for on-going health.

Now, *climbs off soapbox*, while I am not keen on supplementing the kid’s diet with pharmaceuticals I do use them myself. Not everything can be sourced from food, certainly not everything an adult needs. I suffer with pcos and have for some time used star flower, a natural supplement to help with symptoms. I have also been known to use other supplements. One that I am strongly considering using is Pycnogenol which amongst other key benefits helps with menstrual related discomfort. This is a supplement which is produced from natural ingredients and is also known, according to scientific research to help with joint health, controlling glucose levels (another pcos related benefit for me as glucose intolerance is a risk for many women with it) and more.

Another supplement I am considering is Omega 7. One of the important benefits of boosting Omega 3 intake is that it aids the suppression of inflammatory substances. I have an ongoing neck pain issue which I believe might help with this issue.

I have many friends who use supplements such as these alongside conventional medications for problems or issues that they might have and have had some decent results myself. I am curious though, what do my readers feel about using supplements (for adults). I’m talking about using naturally sourced ingredients to boost health on a regular basis. I’d be interested to hear what if anything you all use (if that isn’t too personal !).

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*Written in collaboration with the mentioned business yet true to my own thoughts, feelings and experiences.