The Search for a Supermum is ON!

Now clearly we are all Supermummies- we fit 36hrs worth of work into 24hrs, are multitasking geniuses and quite frankly, any parent who can juggle everything that needs to be done is blooming fantastic in my book.

Milton recognise this too! In a poll of 2000 people, Holly Willoughby was recently “Crowned” a supermummy, very much deserved I’m sure, but Milton are looking for another Supermummy, amongst all the other Supermummies out there to be given their own super hero status & shiny crown and also, a fun family holiday or spa day!

The mums polled by sterilising experts Milton revealed just how amazing British mums are.  Three quarters are  juggling work while  raising a young family, while 1 in 10 cope with their partners being away long term or are single mums,  1 in 30 have adopted or fostered a child and 1 in 20 do charity or volunteer work.

So if you know a mum who is extra special and deserves some recognition or has supported her family through a tough time, then make sure you nominate her for Milton’s ‘Search for a Supermum’.   First prize is a family activity break at one of three locations in the UK worth £1,000 while the runner up will win a relaxing Champney’s spa day. (Anyone wanting to nominate me for the spa day, remember it is Cawood with a C not a Kay, and if I win, I will post you the free samples I’ll be nabbing from there- he he ). Seriously though, whilst personally I really do think all Mummies are super, if you think you deserve to win or know someone who does, then pop along & nominate them. Lets face it, parenting is the best but most knackering job going, so would it be great to have a little treat like this, for yourself & the family.

Entering is very easy, all you need to do is tell Milton in up to 150 words why your chosen nominee deserves Supermum status and make sure you enter by 27th May!

Terms and conditions are available on the Milton website.  Follow details of the competition on Twitter or on Facebook.

Protecting My Most Important Things with Milton #review

I don’t have a fancy car,

I don’t have a mansion,

No jewels

No 60″ TV’s…..

I do have two very precious belongings – One is called Kieran, one is called Taylor, and I would do anything to protect them. I am one of six siblings and Milton really was a household name when it came to protecting us in our younger and more vulnerable years, and in turn Milton is now firmly placed in my house – and doing the same job for my boys as it has for countless families.


My most precious things

Milton were kind enough to send me some of their products to try, some of which I hadn’t used before.

Antibacterial Fabric solution.

This is a new one on me! 1l does 50 washes which is pretty economical. The information provided states that germs (etc) can still be alive and well after a 45 degree wash, which is somewhat disturbing! We spend a fair amount in our beds so I like the idea that it is as fresh and clean as possible. You simply add a capful of the solution into the conditioner compartment of your washing machine drawer and wash as normal. Very easy and priceless peace of mind. I haven’t found any difference to my washing other than knowing (as Milton is a brand I trust) that even in sleep, my family are protected / better off, which is just what I wanted – my “normal” wash, at low temperatures, with the added bonus of antibacterial protection.

Sterilising Fluid &Sterilising Tablets

Firm favourites in many households!  Milton Sterilising Fluid can be used to sterilise breast feeding equipment and all babies feeding utensils, including bottles, soothers, teething rings, small plastic toys and weaning items, as can the tablets – sterilising in just 15 minutes. There is no taste/taint left behind so no need to rinse

Antibacterial Surface Wipes

Very handy! These wipes are 100% biodegradable and be used in so many ways, for highchairs, pushchairs, when out & about – you name it. In a handy sized pack these are great for handbags and changing bags. I remember using them regularly at my local supermarket when Kieran got to that stage where every trolley was something to be sucked on (nice son!). Please note – these are not suitable on skin ie as an antibacterial hand / as bum wipes!

Antibacterial Hand Gel

Again, VERY economical. We use this regularly both at home and whilst out. You only need a tiny drop to cover both hands and it gives around the clock protection. The plus with this product (for me) is that it has moisturising properties so doesn’t dry my hands (I have Mummy hands, always wiping / washing something which does naturally dry the skin out!). Again, it’s handy size is perfect for when out and about with your little ones.

I like to think I have a clean house. I’m not obsessive about germs,  but used properly these products do provide an extra layer of cover so that I know I am doing my best to protect my boys from nasties.

Besides, if it was good enough for Mum, it’s most definitely good enough for me!

To read more about these products, their ingredients and more visit the Milton website and keep up to date with them on Facebook.