Teaching Children About Different Cultures

different cultures

Our world is a rich and diverse one, full of hundreds of different cultures, faiths and belief systems. Childhood is the perfect time to learn more about the wider world. Learning about different countries, cultures and beliefs makes children more accepting and can prove highly beneficial as they move forwards through life. As regular readers will know, I have two children, aged 8 years and 12 years and for us teaching them about diversity forms an important part of our parenting.

Of course, school will play a big part in the development and education of our children, and the experiences they encounter while at school will probably go on to influence the rest of their life. Most school curriculums include variations on subjects such as Religious Studies, Philosophy and Ethics, and Citizenship; often starting with a basic foundation in primary school before giving students the opportunity to learn more at secondary school. My eldest has certainly been enjoying his RS lessons.  As parents  though, it is ultimately our responsibility to to teach diversity, to help them explore different cultures and more.

There are many ways to teach children about different cultures. Here are just a few:

Learn by Example

Young children often like to follow in the footsteps of their parents, mimicking their actions and copying phrases and speech patterns. Most children look up to their parents and want to be like them, which is why one of the best tools available to you is yourself.

Understanding Different Faiths

While younger children might prefer to follow your lead or learn through games and fun activities, older children will most likely be mature enough to start learning by taking in the world around them. Different faiths, cultures and beliefs will start to become more evident, whether it is in school, on social media or simply while out and about.

Religion can be a complex and controversial topic, which is why some people prefer to shy away from it to avoid complications. However, our children need to learn about the world around them, and simple discussions about faith can help youngsters understand why people believe the things they do. It can also help with questions around everyday occurrences like choosing to dress a certain way or eating (or avoiding) a particular type of food. Put simply, if children know the reasons behind these things, they are more likely to be accepting and tolerant.

Travel to Learn About Different Cultures

What better way could there be to learn about different cultures than to see them for yourself? Travelling may be a challenge with young children, but once they get a bit older it can be a brilliant way to open their eyes to the wider world and show them new countries, cultures and sights. This is something we would love to do.

different cultures

Make Learning Fun

Fun activities and exciting games are a perfect way to get children engaged and interested in learning – no matter what it is that you are trying to teach them. There are plenty of games, activity packs and resources available out there, so do a little research and see what you can find.

Whether it is learning about what a zakat calculator can be used for in Islam or trying out different recipes from around the world, there are plenty of creative ways in which you can incorporate learning into daily life.

Above all else, it is important to educate the next generation about the differences between people in our world and help them learn to embrace their uniqueness. Inclusivity and understanding are essential for creating a better, happier future for all, so why not do what you can today to shape a brighter tomorrow.

Education For Success

Regardless of your goals, education is likely to help you achieve them. Business is a prime example of how this works. Running a business is hard work, and it takes a lot of time, effort and money. Knowing your stuff from the beginning is important however ongoing self-improvement and further education is what will help you and your business thrive.

In terms of what it takes to build a business that is strong and secure and has every chance of growing into a highly prosperous and profitable brand, it’s important to understand that you require the right skills and education in order to be able to successfully grow a business.  Take me for example. I am a freelance copywriter with over twelve years under my belt. Initially, all I needed asides from copywriting skill etc obviously was a basic idea of bookkeeping and accounts, WordPress know-how, some social media skills and time. This was enough to start my business and make a profit. To keep it afloat for another twelve years and grow to what it is today it was important for me to continually self-improve and to look at further education as a business tool as much as anything else.

Education for Effective Business

The fact is that running a business is an extremely complex task as there are various areas that you need to consider, from the day-to-day running of your business as a whole to aspects such as finance and marketing that need to be well thought out. These are often areas that many new business owners lack knowledge in, which is where education can come in so handy. Whether you choose to take night classes or study online for your MBA at Aston, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you choose to get the education that you need to build, run and grow a successful business.

It isn’t just important to understand industry-specific information and to know how to use it to benefit your business. You need to understand about business too. Educating yourself on everything from marketing to effective SEO to building and maintaining a website and more will help you to achieve your goals. There are other ways of educating yourself too, less classical education and more life skills and more.

Self Development Boosts Confidence as Well as Skills

If you are going to be able to build your business into a sustainable brand, you need to have confidence in yourself as a business owner and brand leader, as well as in your business. Confidence in business isn’t just important for your own self-esteem as a business owner, it’s also essential in terms of how it alters the impression you make when speaking to customers and potential business partners and stakeholdersIf you come across as being a confident business owner and individual, this impression will have a positive impact on how you come across to other people, particularly customers and potential business partners, in addition to competitors. In business, confidence is key.

There can be a self-care aspect to taking courses while running a business too. I, for example, completed a mindfulness diploma earlier this year. The benefits that it has offered me personally have filtered over into my professional life.

Gaining Valuable Experience

When it comes to running a successful business, it’s important to understand that a lot of that relates to the experience that you’ve had. Life experiences is important and so is industry experience. Education takes many forms and not all learning comes with a certificate or scroll. If you want to know more about a certain part of your business or something else, try shadowing and talk to those in the know to see what opportunities might be open for you.

In Summary

When it comes to launching or growing a business the list of what you need to know seems staggering. As you and your business evolve you will need to keep educating yourself and adapting to change as and when it comes along. Remember that education that benefits you as an individual will benefit your business, be it via increased confidence or transferable skills.

So, a question for you. If you could take any course or learn anything right now, what would it be>