Vileda Easy Wring and Clean Turbo Review

There’s something magical about a squeaky clean home. You feel more relaxed, more comfortable and just right in yourself. Now trust me when I say that squeaky clean is not easily maintained when you have a husband and two sons (the two sons especially!) as so every little bit of help I can get is fine by me.

When Vileda asked me to test and review their new Vileda Easy Wrong and Clean Turbo mop and bucket set I jumped at the chance. Yes, I know, who gets excited about a mop and bucket? Thankfully I can save myself blushes as this is much more than just a mop and bucket.

To explain further up until my new mop system (because it feels like a special mop system rather than a bog-standard mop) I was using a two mop set-up. I mopped downstairs (kitchen and hall) with one mop and the bathroom with another. I know that in theory dunking the mop heads in bleach and what not should reduce / avoid cross contamination between kitchen and bathroom but you know what, I just don’t like to spread the mop love so far.

The Vileda Easy Wring  &  Clean Turbo has a removable mop head that after use may then be machine washed at sixty degrees. To say that this makes me really happy would be a huge understatement. No damp mops sat around, steeped in disinfectant, waiting for its next use or until I deem it ready for replacement. It’s mop, wash, replace and go in my house!

I realise that this might not sound overly exciting to some but for someone who doesn’t like to store or carrying around multiple mops it’s a winner (and it looks shiny and nice in utility room). I’m easily pleased!

So, to sum up:

  • The “bucket” features an easy-to-pour mouth so no splashes / mess.
  • The handle is horizontal, again making spillage less likely and the mop easier to carry (plus it has a built-in handle holder).
  • The mop is triangular shaped which makes getting into stubborn corners easier.
  • The mop head is machine washable.
  • AND… you decide how damp the mop is simply by altering the pressure on the squeeze pedal (my not-so technical name for it).
  • It’s perfect for laminate flooring, wood and tiles (and the stone in my kitchen).

I was already a firm fan of Vileda’s product (see a previous review here), and having tried out the Vileda Easy Wring and Clean Turbo I’m happy to give it a solid 5/5 rating for ease of use, design and for getting the job done!


*I was sent this product to test and keen in order to write an informed review. Vileda have no input into review content and all thoughts are my own, based on my own experience of the product.

It Flashes!! Firefly Toothbrush Review.

Kieran is pretty good when it comes to brushing his teeth, no kicking, screaming and dragging him into the bathroom  (phew!). What he does lack is patience! Dentists recommend brushing your teeth for two minutes, twice a day to maintain healthy teeth and gums and I am very keen on promoting a good dental hygiene routine for my boys.

When I was asked if Kieran would mind testing out the Firefly toothbrush, I jumped at the chance.

Kieran’s initial reactions were “Cooooool, it’s Spiderman!” and “Awesome – it flashes, look Mummy, it flashes!!“. The child really is an 80’s throwback at times! The brush flashes for 1 minute and Kieran loves this. It is fun, and is good for him. That ticks all the Mummy boxes then! The batteries are encased in the brush and last the lifetime of the brush and replacing it won’t break the bank either. These brushes, (For ages 2+), which come in a Spiderman design or Hello Kitty are available from Llyods Pharmacy, Argos and  other leading retailers and are priced at between £1.49 – £2.49.

Why not pop over to the Firefly Facebook page to find out more!

*It is worth mentioning that until Kieran starting using the Firefly brush, I don’t think I was doing the full recommended 2mins either – whoops.

Thumbs up from me!