Easter for us isn’t just about the chocolate. We aren’t a particularly religious family but Easter and it’s long weekend is a favourite of ours. Four days of no work and plenty of family time (regardless of whether the British weather plays ball!).
To start the day off we heard a little voice from our bedroom door….
“Mummy, Daddy… can I see if the Easter Bunny has been?”.
Little feet bounding down the stairs and a minute later
“Half of the carrots have been eaten!! The Easter Bunny must have liked them because he has left us choclate treats.. come and look!”.
Of course we are a little bit about the chocolate.
Easter is largely about food. On Good Friday I made pancakes for breakfast, and yesterday (Easter Sunday) it was of course time for toasted hot cross buns!
Chocolate and other gooey food aside, this Easter weekend has been about family and fun.
We have played games, drawn and painted, enjoyed crafts, make dens, played indoor skittles and all sorts. A bit of a saviour, especially as it has rained pretty much constantly, was this fantastic care package from Warner Brothers….
I don’t eat chocolate but do have a strange fondness for mini eggs. Kieran knows this and whisked them away pretty quick (traitor!). The films have have kept us busy and in laughter!
Yogi bear – perfect for us all. Both Kieran (5yrs) and Taylor (16m) were glued to it. Us grown ups enjoyed the humour that only we “got”. A great fun family film!
Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. A timeless classic. Kieran has just finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so having this sent was great timing. Another brilliant film that kept our attention from beginning to end.
Popcorn was substituted for Mini Eggs for this film.
Bugs Bunny’s Easter Funnies.
I adore Bugs and this DVD had us in stitches! All curled up on the sofa, laughing our socks off. Perfect for Easter Sunday afternoon.
And last but not least: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Johnny Depp).
We haven’t watched this yet, but plan to before the end of the school Easter hols. I’m intrigued and will let you know how we get on with it.
Great Easter viewing – thanks Warner Brothers – on the ball as always.
(Kieran has proclaimed the “lady with all the DVDs” as being “awesome” and “Very cool”!).
Today is Bank Holiday Monday, the last day of our four day weekend. This morning is all about kicking back. I have been granted a lie in (I’m in bed on the laptop!) and everyone else is in PJs downstairs. We are hoping that this awful rain stops soon as there is a bigger Bank Holiday market in town today which we want to go and explore but if it doesn’t ease up soon the stallholders will be packing up and going home. If that happens there will be no point us getting out of our PJs at all today which would be terrible 🙂
However you’ve spent your Easter weekend I hope it’s been great fun / relaxing (whichever you were looking for!). Enjoy your Bank Hol and remember (with the chocolate) once it’s gone…. it’s gone!