Diamonds May Be Everyone’s Best Friend


Diamonds are primarily known for their glitz, their sparkle, their beauty and their ability to boost someone’s social standing, or at least they certainly could in the days gone by. What few people realise is that diamonds may also be used in a variety of different ways from engineering to healthcare.

Element Six has produced an eBook around the many uses of synthetic diamond which highlights just how diverse a material they can be. Referred to by many as the #UltimateSupermaterial (check this hashtag out on social media), it’s no wonder that diamonds such as these are so highly regarded, and not just by jewellers.

I’ve attached the eBook  PDF below for anyone interested to have a read of and I urge you to have a nosy. The boys, destined they tell me to become scientists and inventors, were fascinated by the many applications these synthetic diamonds are useful for.

For example, synthetic diamond is used in consumer goods, opticals and thermals, are frequently used in manufacturing, especially automotive manufacturing, in stone, construction works and aerospace (this excited the boys most of all).  

Benefits of Using Industrial Diamonds

There are a great number of reasons why using industrial diamonds across these sectors is a great idea. These are just three of the reasons this supermaterial ticks all the boxes.

  • Precision – Industrial diamond is ideal for tools and additional uses where precision is important.
  • Versatility –  Industrial diamond may be used in a vast number of ways.
  • Longevity – Industrial diamonds last a lot longer than a number of materials.

In Summary

Element Six are industry leaders in delivering unbeatable performance using innovative supermaterial solutions. By highlighting the many ways in which industrial diamonds or synthetic diamonds may be used they are paving the way for a further expansion into the next generation of manufacturing, healthcare and transport methodology.

Do have a look at the PDF below. I was surprised by just how far the not-so-humble diamonds have come!

Element Six Super Materials eBook