Dear Cyber Bullies
I despise you. Tearing people down and belittling them on social media is no less hurtful or demoralising than if you were doing it in real life. You are still a bully, even if you hide behind a avatar.
I am watching you
Her who absolutely loathes cowardly bullies!
Dear Riverford
I received my first veg box from you yesterday. I wasn’t sure whether it was be worthwhile but second day in, and I am very impressed. I’ll keep you updated,
Domestic Goddess
Dear Ebay Seller
Emailing me to ask me to leave you 5-star feedback because “Ebay are on my back to improve my selling performance”. Not cool. When I leave feedback, which will be soon, I will tell the truth, NOT what I am asked to put. Otherwise feedback means nothing.
From, Me.
Dear PRs who email me and tell me my blog is perfect to house their client’s guest posts because my blog is full of pregnancy info.
1) Read my blog
2) I don’t publish such things, but I can send you an example of my rates if I did? (evil snigger)
Yours, Her will too much crap in her email box.
Dear Kieran
Your first week back at school…. wicked! Your teacher came out yesterday to say you’d had a cracking start to the year. I’ve missed you but it’s been lovely when you come home. You and me are going out, just us tomorrow, to go to the library and to have a HUGE hot choc with flake bits, cream and marshmallows. I can’t wait!
Love you big man x
Dear Taylor
I know you’ve missed having your brother at home this week but the 1-1 has been lovely hasn’t it!
Love you little man
Dear Creatures.
What the hell? Yesterday, during the school run, a wasp got caught in my hair, and when I swerved to avoid the huge piles of horse shit on the path, a bird pooped on the buggy.
(You Gits!)