I may or may not have mentioned that we are moving house next month. I can’t wait! The new place is twice as big as this one yet only a few streets away. Of course it will look even bigger than it actually is as I just don’t don’t have the furniture to fill it.
As you will know if you’ve read the blog before, I am loathe to pay full price for anything. I shop around, I wait for sales or offers and I grab a bargain when I can. Recently I have realised that in order to get what I need for the new house (we need a dining table and chairs, wardrobes for all as we are leaving fitted ones behind, a cot bed / single bed for Taylor…..) I am going to have to start being more savvy and as part of my new-found determination to save money on my purchases, I am going to become a voucher queen.
Many of you will have seen the coupon frenzy shows where people literally spend hours clipping coupons from newspapers and magazines and in the end manage to get their shopping for basically nothing. I am too lazy for that level of voucher collecting, and doubt it is achievable in the UK like it is in the US so am instead using an online site for vouchers. I’ve searched through several before now and signed up to newsletters etc but have found this discount site to be the best of the bunch. It is easy to search and categorises discount vouchers dependant on how they work ie which ones are voucher codes and which ones are current site offers. There are both online and printable vouchers available from a wide variety of retailers and I have already saved money.
To be honest I had forgotten just how expensive moving house can be. When you include the moving costs, decorating, new furniture, new curtains and everything else that seems to pop up, making savings where you can is the only way to go.
I never pay more for my utilities and services than I need to, I use cashback sites to claw back some of what I have paid out, I meal plan and have managed in recent years to cut our grocery bills significantly. These small changes have saved me hundreds if not more over the years however now is time to give the budget queen within a bit of a shake. Moving two months before Christmas was never going to be easy however with discounts available to take the edge off house move items and gifts, I reckon I can just about keep within budget. I’ll let you know!
Keep your eyes peeled for more posts on moving on a shoestring, cutting costs and adjusting to a new budget that works with our new house.
My question for all of you today is….
What has been your best discount code or voucher saving? Mine was a code for 50% off toys and free delivery for Debenhams a few years ago which saved me a small fortune at Christmas and meant that Kieran had a huge surprise in the form of a vast castle and knight set that him and his Daddy spent hours putting together and playing with.
I’d love to hear about your voucher triumphs!
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photo by fishyfish_arcade | via PhotoRee |