I think it’s time I face facts. Taylor is now five months, and a lanky five months at that. It’s about time I stop calling him my newborn (sob!).
Since he arrived he has been happily cocooned in his Cosatto Cabi pram, safe, snug & warm while Mummy has navigated snow, ice, sleet, wind and rain (from a week after a c-section no less). Thankfully the pram did it’s job and more (you can read about the pram & my thoughts here and here) but it’s time we said goodbye.

Changing from pram to pushchair was very easy, the pram section literally lifts off and the pushchair section slots in. This is more secure than it sounds, trust me, it had rigorous testing!
The pushchair has 3 recline positions-
1- Sat up, Taylor loves this as he is at that inquisitive stage where being up and looking around is a must
2.Chilled out – half lying, half sitting basically, a comfortable was to lay back, take it all in and gurgle in a most cute way at your Mummy
3- Almost pram. Perfect for when he nods off! He can be moved very smoothly, so not to be disturbed, into the sleeping position. This has made the transition from pram to pushchair easier (for me!).
You can place the pushchair on the chassis forward facing or face-to-face (I prefer face to face, we “chat” to each other as we trek around!), though I do find using the shopping basket more difficult when in position 1 and 2, but certainly not impossible.
The rain-gear we used for the pram is the same one you use for the pushchair and fits perfect for complete coverage. It’s very easy to put on (idiot-proof clearly as I’ve managed lol!).
So, for the endurance test! Tucked up safe, we set off on a family trek in Dalby Forest. We did a 2.5mile course, which was fairly level, though a track in places still so I was impressed Taylor wasn’t being bounced all over! Tucked up safe in the warm cosy toes and fleece liner we had a fantastic time!
(Click to enlarge pics).
For more info on the Cosatto Cabi, pop along to the website, catch up with the lovelies behind the brand on Facebook & say hello on Twitter!