Buying a House Benefits

Buying a House Benefits

Buying a house really is considered to be one of the best things you can do in your adult life. There’s no doubt that saving for a mortgage is hard, as is getting your credit score in order so you’ll be accepted- but it’s worth the effort. Not only is it a fantastic milestone that you can be really proud of, but it benefits you both now, in the future and can even benefit your children too. Here are some of the reasons to make getting onto the property ladder a top priority in your life. 

The House Buying Vs Renting Question

Rent really is ‘dead money.’ This is something many believe. When you get a mortgage, the money you pay towards your home each month goes towards you eventually owning it. You don’t have to deal with bad landlords, and there’s no uncertainty of having to move out of a rented home because the landlord is selling or wants to increase the rent or any other number of things that can happen when you live in a property you don’t own. This is an either/or topic. Some say renting offers flexibility and other benefits some say buying a house is the better option.

You Have Somewhere to Live in Old age

Buying a house when you’re young means by the time you reach older age, you have a home to live in that’s all yours and is all paid for. This can give you a lot of reassurance and financial stability, particularly at a time when you’re no longer working and living off a pension or retirement savings. If you own your home and get unwell or need adaptations doing as you get older it’s something you can do, you could look into Terry lifts for wheelchairs or stairlifts, have ramps fitted and things like the bathroom or kitchen adapted. 

Buying a House Is An Investment

Buying a house is one of the best investments you’ll ever make. Since property usually appreciates in value each year, it’s always going to be something that gains you money. Plus it gives you security, it’s a practical investment as it gives you somewhere to live, and it’s something you can pass down to your children when you’re no longer around. Things like cars and other luxury items, for the most part, will go down in value, whereas a house won’t, making it one of the best ways to spend your money.

Buying Commercial Space For Your Business

Buying Commercial Space For Your Business

Buying commercial space for your business can be stressful, to say the least. To save you time you need a quick guide to help you towards making the right decision in terms of buying or renting new premises which is where this article steps in. Whether you are launching a startup and need the floor space for your employees and products, or your existing business is growing, and so you need to upscale your premises, the points you need to consider when purchasing or renting a new place are below.

Buying Commercial Space For Your Business: Consider Affordability

As with any business, keeping your overheads to a minimum is essential. Renting or buying commercial space for your business is more than likely going to be one of your most significant outgoings, Ideally, it pays to be mindful about whether the properties you are viewing are within your price range. Other areas you will want to consider are whether there is a service charge to maintain the building, or whether the maintenance is something you will need to assess and pay for yourself. A surveyors report from Allcott Commercial can help you determine the quality of the commercial building (as this tends to differ from houses). Also, any underlying issues you may need to take care of, and whether there is potential to ask for the premises you are interested in for a reduced price due to the issues you have found on the report.


For this section consider who needs to access your workspace and how easy it will be for them to find it. If you are launching a new shop that you expect passers-by to walk into, your commercial space is better located in the centre of towns and cities rather than in a rural location. If however, you are launching a wholesalers business, being in the city centre would be too congested and restricted for you to receive and dispatch large orders. With this in mind, you would be better off purchasing a business space on an industrial site, where the roads are broader and quieter for receiving your large deliveries. 

Buying Commercial Property Makes Room To Grow

When buying commercial space or renting it there will be an investment or deposit from you to secure the building and perhaps moving and legal costs to take care of too. Ideally, you don’t want to keep relocating your business every few months because this isn’t cost-effective for the company. Which is why you should consider whether the commercial spaces you are looking at provide the scope for your business to physically grow. For instance, are you viewing places that you know will just about fit the equipment, desks, filing cabinets and so on that your business has/needs? Without considering that your business will expand in the future and you will need to house more office equipment, this could live you in a tricky situation where you are forced to move again in a short amount of time. 

Buying commercial space or renting new premises for your business doesn’t have to be a minefield. Keep it simple by assessing the affordability to help you save money on the property, the accessibility for your customers, investors and deliveries. And of course whether the commercial space will provide you with the scope to expand in the future as your budding business grows.