It’s That Nutty Time of Year Again

Between the beginning of November and my last day of work before Christmas (19th December) work cranks up in such a way that it makes my head spin. I love getting my teeth stuck in and ticking item after item off the to-do list, only for it to be replaced with two additional ones, but jeez are these 7 weeks full on!

Thankfully Roy and the boys are utterly fabulous about it. The kids come first obviously but they know that if I need to sneak off on a Saturday to work that it’s because it’s that busy time again and besides, they have great fun with Daddy.

Roy is a superman. He works a minimum of 45 hours a week himself (usually many more) and yet he knows my 70hr+ weeks are fierce and so he does everything he can to smooth things around me. Believe me, when you are drowning in words and can’t remember the last time you slept for more than four hours in a run a surprise cuppa, cuddle and a few words of encouragement are like sunshine on a miserable day.

So why do I do it? Every year I take off three weeks for Christmas. I adore Christmas, it is a magical time and to be honest the promise of those three weeks pretty much gets me through the rest of the busy year. Work is steady all year however winter is a naturally busy (nuts) time work-wise for me though I have to say that those three magical weeks are all the sweeter for it. I work like a daft thing during this period so that I can finish everything, so I can clear the diary and enjoy a wonderful break knowing that my clients are taken care of and everything is in place for the new year.

Why am I writing this post? To explain (not apologise) that I’ll be AWOL for the next few weeks. I won’t be able to meet up for coffee, enjoy long chatty telephone calls with pals, and I might be ever so slightly grumpy on and off.  The free time I do have will be family time and sleeping time.

Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do and wouldn’t change a thing; people just need to know that I’ll be tapping into my inner bitch a little more in the near future 🙂


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This term is nearly finished, and we are jiggered!

End of term and time for uncomplicated fun and relaxation

Just a couple more days and we can hang up the gym kits, put away the uniform and lose the book bag for two weeks. The Easter school holidays are nearly here and thank goodness!

We are jiggered.

This month alone, not to mention everything else that we have had since the February half term, has been busy to say the least and has included…

  • World book day dressing up and associated school fun
  • Dress as a knight day
  • Dress as a wizard day (today)
  • Dress in sports gear (Sports relief) and Skip-a-thon
  • Two school plays to attend after school
  • Phonics afternoon (for us parents – we get jiggered too)
  • A bake sale (to contribute to and to attend after school)
  • An Easter Egg tombola (to contribute and attend)
  • Easter lunch, in school to have with the kids if we can.
  • Parents evening (I get this but it’s another one on the list!)
  • Make an Easter bonnet to bring to school for a competition
  • Make an animal board game to bring to school
  • Design and make a book cover and bring to school for a competition
  • Church visit for the Easter service
And these are on top of the usual reading, miscellaneous homework and swimming lessons .

These and many  other similar extras have kept the kids very busy and had us running around like headless chooks. Fortunately I work from home so have some flexibility when it comes to running around organising things and making important calls like ringing your little sister and begging her to makes some nice (not squished and crap looking) cakes for the bake sale.

A busy half term to say the least!
This holiday we have things planned but in a leisurely way. The first day off includes a birthday party but other than that, and a few days where Kieran is at a play scheme we will be kicking our shoes off and enjoying some R&R!

One day is earmarked for a train ride to York for just Kieran and I, to watch the boats, walk around the park and enjoy a museum or two and some chilled out garden time is also on the cards.

Yes, I think we can all say “THANK GOODNESS” now the holidays have arrived because as much as it means having a juggle work-wise, we all need a break from school, kids and parents alike!

Is anyone else counting the days until they break up? Are your kids shattered and ready for the time off?
What have you got planned? (I may steal ideas from this one if anyone answers!).

Whatever you do, have a great break everyone!