Boost Your Website During Lockdown

Boost Your Website During Lockdown

If you run a small business online, focusing on improving your eCommerce offer is probably already pretty high on your priority list. There has never been a better time than now to implement some quick and easy fixes for your business. Some businesses have a little more downtime to focus on those projects which don’t always top the task list normally. That said, a lot of businesses are finding the pandemic has actually increased their sales figures as customers increasingly go online to make their purchases. Responding to this is a great way to continue to adapt to changing conditions and to focus on business growth. Make sure you boost your website during lockdown to cater to the needs of your customer.

Boost Your Website During Lockdown : Improve Your Customer Retention

Acquiring new customers is expensive, time-consuming and a bit of an unknown quantity. Smart small businesses choose to focus on a customer retention strategy as well. Customers who buy into your brand have a higher cart conversion rate, purchase more items on each visit and generate more revenue every time they come to your website. Focus on ways to improve customer experience and cross-sell services or products, or perhaps even look at introducing a customer loyalty scheme. 

Boost Your Website During Lockdown: Include Video Content

The data shows that videos are a really useful tool when it comes to increasing conversions on your website. The return on investment for this form of marketing is consistently high, so it’s definitely worth creating some video content which can be hosted on your site and on other external platforms. The format resonates with people and is an ideal way to showcase a product or explain a service in more depth, as well as bring customer testimonials to life. 

Put Mobile First

Any eCommerce website is losing out if it doesn’t have a mobile strategy as well. A huge amount of people use their tablets and mobile phones to browse and purchase. 40 percent of mobile users buy from their devices, rising to 65 percent cent of millennials. So if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re potentially missing out on a huge chunk of sales. Customers want speed and convenience when shopping, personalised offers and extra rewards, so sometimes setting up your own app is a good way to tick those boxes. It doesn’t have to be expensive, there are a few options for out of the box eCommerce apps that you can personalise with your branding, rather than having something that is custom-built. 

Highlight Your Best Sellers

Customers should be free to browse on your site, but there’s nothing wrong with directing that browsing experience a little. Things like well-structured navigation are of course essential, but equally a category approach showcasing your best selling items is a really good way to focus their journey. When people visit your site for the first time, it can be a little overwhelming, especially if you sell a broad range of products. So showing off your best sellers provides an edited highlight of the items they are likely to be interested in and provides cognitive validation for their purchase. Try to also showcase some products where your profit margins make a good return for the best results.