Dear So and So – a mixed bag

Dear UK residents

We have plenty to bitch about (David Cameron, the weather, inflation etc) but lets face it… there are plenty of other places much worse off. Gaddafi may be “gone” but he’ll not be forgotten and Libya is a country that yes, is free of his tyranny, but will need to rebuild and watch for those who are all too eager to step in his shoes. Floods are killing people and destroying crops, sickness is wiping out whole villages and children are dying because of lack of basic medical care.

It’s worth taking a step back sometimes and just taking stock.

Her who is very grateful for all the UK offers her and her family x


Dear Kieran

You have really done well in Year One! You did great in Reception but this year you have really come into yourself. Parent’s evening was great. According to your teacher you are working at and beyond national average in everything and are a joy.

Keep it up sweetheart, we are very proud of you!

Mummy & Daddy


Dear Children,

This time of year turns your sensible grown-up mother into a childish lunatic. Halloween, bonfire night and Christmas. Be prepared for lots of silliness.

Love Mummy


Dear Boobs

I have been neglecting you, clearly you are comfortable resting on my knees but really I think you’d prefer the view from up here where you should be.

Her who really needs a new bra / steel girders


Dear Downton Abbey

See you Sunday. I was caught out last week with no tissues to hand. This week I’m prepared.

Her with the mega box of man-sized kleenex tissues.


Dear All

This week has been been full of randomness so in honour of this I thought I’d share with you the most random song I know.

Have a good weekend all!

*Disclaimer: Neither myself or Curly&Candid can be held responsible for any mental damage caused to readers who watch this video and who find themselves singing it to themselves constantly for the next few days.

Dear So and So...

Dear So and So – The Body Edition

Dear So and So...

Dear Time Of The Month

It’s very kind of you to make sure you visit me every month, without fail. The thing is, and this is getting a bit awkward, you are kind of outstaying your welcome. 11 days a month? Really? For that length of time I’d expect someone to contribute towards the extra food that gets consumed during their stay.

You are becoming a real pain,


Her in agony!


Dear Kieran,

“Mummy, put the Jive Bunny music back on, it ‘s REALLY funny when you dance to it”

I will remember that Son,

Mummy x


Dear Teething Fairy

You were warned last week, pack the hell in tormenting my baby!

Watching you,

Her who hates her son being in pain


Dear Doctor,

Thanks for the full breast exam, I’m glad there was nothing sinister in the end. I feel much reassured

Her with the *now* very sore boobs.

PS Thanks for warming your hands up though!


Dear Always Ultra

These aren’t wings, they are barely wing-lets!


Her who is pee’d off!


Dear Self,

Stop being a plum, your smear is overdue,

Not cool,

Get it booked in for as soon as Time Of The Month buggers off.

From, Plumhead


Dear Self

Deciding to get new furniture, and totally rearrange the upstairs of your house with a teething baby, sore boobs and the Time Of The Month on an extended visit…… didn’t really think that through did you?



Dear Husband

Apologies, I suspect I may be being something of a cowbag, it’s the hormones you see.

I love you,

Wife xxxxxxxx

PS Help me rearrange and sort out upstairs (yes I know I said I wanted to do it myself) – it will make me much less snarly, honest 🙂