Alcohol Free Echo Falls Sparkling Tisane #Review

I don’t drink alcohol. No I’m not pregnant (just big boned), I haven’t previously had a problem with alcohol as some have hinted at for my reason to abstain (unless you call my late teenage years!) and no, I’m not allergic to alcohol. I just don’Sparkling Tisanet like it to be honest.

Rolling the clock back a few years ago; back to the days of 20/20 White Lightning and other such potent yet cheap drinks I could knock ’em back like the best of them. I think that fact that a night on the town with Roy cost us jointly £40 back then (and included a visit to the pizza and kebab shop) and would cost us twice that now is one factor in my not drinking however the main one is that I don’t like the taste!

I sincerely believe that my earlier years of cheap and nasty alcohol has killed off my alcohol-apreciating taste buds as these day I’m just as happy with a cup of coffee. In short I don’t drink because I don’t want to.

Not drinking as a lifestyle choice is up to any individual however it can leave you a little limited at parties and festive occasions to say the least! Diet cola and similar drinks soon lose their novelty and to be honest it would be nice to enjoy something a little special during these special occasions.

This is where Echo Falls and their alcohol free sparkling infusion come into play. I was sent a bottle of this lovely stuff to try out and have to say it was lovely. Light, fruity and bubbly it wouldn’t look amiss amongst the fancy boozy bottles on a table and is  a real treat. It also has only 26 calories in every 100ml glass (good news for me as I’m a long-term Slimming World member) and yet tastes really quite elegant if that makes sense?

Available from Tesco and Asda from around £3.49 (RRP) this is a fairly inexpensive way to have a drink so to speak when pregnant or abstaining for any reason without having to fall back on dull non-alcoholic favourites such as soda water and lime.

I would definite buy this to enjoy myself at home or at parties and to offer to guests.


*Please note that while I was sent a bottle of EchoFalls sparkling infusion to try and review the company has had no influence over my writing. My opinions are my own and have been formed from my own thoughts and experiences.

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