The Art of Decluttering Your Home

The Art of Decluttering Your Home, relaxing bathroom

Do you want your home to feel like a freer and more minimal space? The answer is decluttering. Don’t be scared if you love holding onto things; there are some ways to keep things without them taking up every inch of your home. And in some cases, you need to toughen up and get rid of things.

Instead of needing to renovate your home, you can declutter. You will be shocked at how much impact a big decluttering session can have. You can reclaim your space and make it look new.

Using this guide, you can become a better declutterer and start decluttering your home for maximum impact. You won’t regret it!

 The Art of Decluttering Your Home – Use self-storage to declutter the space without binning things

Do you know it’s possible to declutter your home and get rid of things without getting rid of them completely? You can use self storage near you so that you have easy access to the items you are moving from your home. If they are your prized possessions yet you don’t use them often, at least you can still keep them while decluttering your home.

Starting Small – The Art of Decluttering Your Home

It’s daunting to think of everything you have to do within the whole of your home to declutter. Break it down into one area at a time. Whether that means one room, one closet, or even one drawer, instead of looking at the whole vacation as a molehill, make it a mountain.

Try the KonMari Method – It Works!

The KonMari Method takes its name from its creator, Marie Kondo. She is a professional cleaning consultant from Tokyo, Japan. Her method of tidying is now a meme that shouts, “But does it Spark Joy?” It directs you on how to consecutively assess your things. Pick up each item and assess if it “sparks joy.” Suppose it does not, thank it and let it go. This method generates a stronger emotional relationship with your belongings.

 The Art of Decluttering Your Home – Organise in Categories

Rather than organising your decluttering by room, organise by category. This means going through and decluttering each type of item at the same time to make decisions about each type of item in one go. Examples of categories could be clothes, books, or kitchen items. This way, things don’t get missed, and gives a structured approach to decluttering.

Keep, Donate and Discard

When you are decluttering, use the three-box method. Title boxes with “keep”, “donate/sell”, and “discard”. As you go through items, you put them into the appropriate box. It helps when making decisions, and this way, you don’t leave the items to be donated or thrown away sitting around.

The 90/90 Rule Works – Try It? The Art of Decluttering Your Home

One rule to consider is the 90/90 rule for items you have not used in the last 90 days, nor do you see yourself using them in the next 90 days. This is a useful trick to identify items that you truly do not need and that are consuming your limited space. Although sentimental items may not apply, this is a great rule for your everyday possessions.

Clear Up Your Digital World Too

Take your decluttering to the digital world. Clean up your digital files, delete any old apps you aren’t using, and unsubscribe from those pesky email subscriptions you never read anyway. Creating a clutter-free digital space contributes to a simpler, stress-free lifestyle.

Donate Appropriately 

Responsible handling of donation/recycling items. Donate usable items to local charities, shelters or thrift stores. Recycle items such as electronics, paper and plastics in accordance with local regulations. Responsible disposal allows your efforts to declutter to help your community and environment in a positive way.

 The Art of Decluttering Your Home – Consider a Capsule Wardrobe

You may also consider simplifying your wardrobe by adopting a capsule wardrobe. A capsule wardrobe is a collection of versatile, high-quality clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of looks. Having a capsule wardrobe will simplify your wardrobe choices, reduce clutter and encourage a more intentional approach to personal style

Store Items Correctly

The most difficult items to let go of are usually sentimental items. Allow yourself to keep a few items, but ask yourself if the item is really that sentimental. Try to repurpose sentimental items to make them useful for your home, or if they are sentimental because of a person, give them to them.

Practicing Mindful Shopping Can Help 

To avoid allowing clutter to accumulate in the future, practice mindful shopping. Ask yourself if what you are considering is in line with the direction you want to take and if it is adding value to your life. Avoid impulsive buys and instead invest in what truly makes you happy and works best for your well-being.

Change Your Decor Depending on the Season

If you have a fair amount of decorative items that are unique to each other, you can change them seasonally. This way, you get to treasure each item as it is meant to be and not feel overwhelmed with the number of items in your room. It changes the look of the room and keeps things looking fresh and nice.

Keep it Up – The Art of Decluttering Your Home

Getting rid of stuff is not a one-and-done activity. Schedule regular sessions where you’ll reassess your belongings, reorganise, and declutter as needed. This way, you keep unnecessary items from piling up and maintain a clutter-free home.

Practice Letting Go

Heaving less crap is so important. Whether you’re letting go of stuff you no longer use or freeing yourself from attachment to material possessions, learning to let go creates space for new opportunities, experiences, and a more freedom-loving mindset.

Now that you know the best decluttering tips of all time, you can get on with it and improve your home. You can reclaim your space and start to feel freer in your space. What are you waiting for? Get some bags and start donating, storing efficiently, and giving things away.

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