Styling Your Home

styling your home

I may have mentioned once or twice that I moved into a new home, a fabulous 1930’s bungalow packed with character. We’ve been in for three months now and so now is the time to add some new style to the place. Styling your home is not always the easiest thing to do, but once you have some kind of general direction to head in, it becomes a lot easier.  Keep reading for top tips for adding a new look without too much fuss.

New Furniture

The first thing that we are going to look at is adding some new furniture to your home. You need to ensure that your space is fully kitted out with everything that you could possibly need. The best way to do this is to go room by room and make a list of the things that you want in there. For example, in the living room, you are obviously going to need a sofa, perhaps a coffee table at the bare minimum. If you are looking for ideas for the bedroom, then you could look at Rauch wardrobes, a dressing table, obviously a bed and whatever else you can think of to enhance the space and comfort of the room. 

New furniture brings an entirely different vibe into each room so if you are styling your home then this is likely what you are looking for. Don’t be afraid to go for something that is a little different here! It’s our lounge that needs the most furniture-wise at the moment. What looked great in the old house looks “ok” here. I’m not happy with just “ok”!

Styling Your Home:  Use Colourful Art

Lots of people have art hanging on the walls of their home, and if you are looking for something new or exciting to try, then you might want to look into colourful pieces. A lot of the time, the paintings that you will see on people’s walls are plain or bare with minimal amounts of colour yet I’m finding that when styling your home you can really go all out with artwork and enjoy a statement piece. Make them really stand out by placing them on a white wall and ensuring that the piece you choose bursts out of the page. It will really make your entire home feel more vibrant and can help to create a good atmosphere in your home. I have my eye on some local artists for a few special pieces. 

Keep It Minimal

If when styling your home you want to keep in with the local interior design trend consider keeping your design minimal. Done right, minimalist design and styling opens out the space and draws attention to the natural beauty of the home, which is why it is such a popular option at the moment.

I hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see how you can add some new style to your home. If you want to see some of my styling your home pins, head over to my Pinterest.


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