Small to medium businesses often have it tough in today’s commercial market. There always seems to be a more prominent player that has access to extra resources to contend with. It is possible though for smaller businesses to not only survive but thrive if they are savvy and go the extra mile.
Take Care of Your Staff
First of all, when it comes to small businesses the satisfaction of your staff is absolutely crucial. Therefore it’s essential to take care of them in as many ways as you can. Such care may include having a strict policy about bullying and enforcing this, as well as offering additional bonuses for work well done and targets that are reached.
You can show your staff that they are appreciated by making a necessary activity such a training a bit more of an enjoyable experience. This is something you can do by using an outside catering company to provide delicious snacks and treats come training day. Alternatively, you may even try taking them off-site for a day to a convention centre, or even a hotel where you can combine fun and work, a strategy that is a sure-fire way to get you some kudos with your team.
Make Use of Tech and Social Media
Next, to survive in the world of SMEs, it’s vital that you keep your costs as low as possible while ensuring that you connect with and successfully market your brand and product to your target demographic. Luckily, you can do this quickly and cheaply by using social media and various IT tech to your advantage.
If you choose to promote items on your social media platforms, it’s free to set up, and you can reach a broad audience. You will always add a human element to your brand and create a positive reputation.
There are also some fab apps that you can use to create visually exciting and dynamic content to feature on your social media accounts. Something that will help your SME grab the attention of the demographic you are hoping to connect with.
Treat Your Business Customers Well
Lastly, it’s pretty significant to remember that the customer is the lifeblood of the SME. What this means is that the focus of your service, and product should be on what the customer experiences and gains by using it.
With that in mind, rigorous product testing, as well as AB testing for your online presence is a smart move. You will be able to see what options your customers will be most pleased with, and respond to most effectively.
Also, providing top level customer service at not just the point of sale but also before and after can help to create a positive relationship that can be leveraged for repeat sales and even promotion by superfans later on.
It is vitally important that your business be easily contactable and available at all times, something you can use social media to facilitate. Although, it’s always a smart idea to provide alternative methods as well such as email, helpline phone numbers, written addresses, and even website chat boxes if you want your SME to thrive in the long term.
Be transparent and consistent in how you run your business, be true to your brand values, go above and beyond for customers and treat your staff well. That is how you run a thriving small business.