What a week it has been!
Kieran has been away on a school residential and while I’m pleased to have been able to offer him the opportunity I’ve missed him terribly! Taylor has burst into tears on more than one occasion because his brother wasn’t there after school, when he called him down for breakfast, when he came out of swimming…..
Taylor wanted to go to bed at 4pm on Thursday night so that his “one more sleep” would be over more quickly and Kieran would be on his way home. They are fab lads!
Needless to say, yesterday’s reunion was a very happy one. Now I just need to find a way to recover the lost (new) wellington boots, gloves x 2, hat, flask and numerous other bits and pieces that didn’t come home with him, including (to his horror) the Pokemon cards he bought in Whitby that he thinks he left on the bus!

On Thursday 4th Nov I celebrated 11 years cigarette free. Giving up smoking is bloody hard. I was a fairly heavy smoker back then and it was far from easy. Several times over the years I could have reached for a cigarette but I didn’t and have no plans to ever again. One of the personal victories I’m most proud of.
There have also been some changes on the health/weight loss front. More on this on Monday after I weigh in and report back.
Work has been busy this week but then we’re in the mad run up to Christmas. In a week or so I’ll be writing about Valentine’s day!
On the upside, I managed to secure a fabulous new contract for myself which pleases me greatly. I also had to let a potential client go. Long story short my gut “kicked in” and as we couldn’t agree on a deposit (“I’m good for it” isn’t assurance enough for me) I felt it wise to walk away.
It’s important to listen to your gut sometimes.
This weekend we have a birthday disco to go to (Taylor) and if the wild wind and rain stops, a firework display to attend tonight. If not it’ll be a “watch out the window” affair with our homemade hotdogs and chocolate finger sparklers. Fingers crossed!
Congratulations on reaching 11 year smoking free. They say that if you don’t smoke for 7 years your body is as if you’ve never smoked so that’s a big incentive not to go back to it.
We’ve not got to the school trip stage yet. I’m not looking forward to it tbh but I suppose it’s a rite of passage.
Good for you for going with your gut. I have a couple of instances where I didn’t and I majorly regretted it
I hope your fireworks weren’t rained off.
Have another good week!