Addressing all Things Dressing Up

Anyone who has children at nursery or at school will understand that throughout the school year parents and carers find themselves and their calendars at the mercy of the school newsletter. This powerful piece of paper heralds news including your class cake bake sale and similar.

I am that mother who calls her mother (or sisters) when the cake sale note comes round because while I cook brilliantly (even if I do say so myself) I’m a rubbish baker. What I make tastes fine but always looks uneven, lopsided or down right just strange.

Who though do you call  though when it comes to dress ing up days? I now have two boys at school and with alarming regularity throughout the terms we seem to have non-uniform / dress up days where the children come as certain special characters. Today for example is Superhero day. After many tears and tantrums I managed to borrow a onesie for one child, find a t-shirt for another and to be fair they looked pretty good. This is rare. Poor Kieran (my eldest) went for the Magna Carta day in a plain tshirt with an A4 sticker featuring a shield stuck to the front (that I printed off). Some parents simply aren’t meant to make costumes and I am one of them.

Superhero, costumes, Children in Need costumes

After spending all week stressing and worrying about what they would wear I now wish I’d bought something to be honest as at least then they could be used for other events and for home play, particularly for the 4 year old. This is what I will be doing from now on (and I’m guessing other parents have been doing for a while as I’ve seen very little panic over costumes on the school yard). One day soon I will have a dress up boy that is the envy of all my school parent chums!

I was recently introduced to Tickled Pink Fancy Dress and was rather chuffed to say the least to see not only the range of outfits they offer but also the price! Taylor (the 4yr old) especially loves to dress up and with his nativity around the corner and Christmas creeping up their Xmas range of fancy dress costumes is bound to be a life saver. In the past my biggest bug bear about costumes has not been finding them, it has been paying for them. With costumes such as this Boy’s Santa Costume available in three sizes including jacket, hat, belt and trouser for just £5.99 I really can’t complain. I’m thinking actually this might be fun to wear for the Christmas lights switch on event in town……

TP Costumes, Santa costume

Costumes are a part of most parent’s lives, whether they planned it that way or not and my friends, family and school yard companions will have heard many times before now that I haven’t ever planned properly for fancy dress or school costumes. That said now that I can see that there is an easier (and cheaper) way (so no more embarrassing Pinterest costume fails) which would be also reusable they might find me much less ranty of a Wednesday when the newsletters come out.


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