From the tender age of 18 months Taylor started having sessions with a local, very experienced, much loved and respected childminder here in Thirsk, Clare Garthwaite. Clare has been a childminder for approx 13yrs and is a gem. If you’ve ever found yourself looking for childcare you’ll no doubt have found yourself in the difficult position I was back then which is finding somewhere or someone that you feel comfortable leaving a precious child with.
It ain’t easy!
I researched the private nurseries locally and nothing felt suitable, personal enough or just right. I hadn’t considered a childminder as an option because I assumed (wrongly) that it would be too expensive and certainly more so than nursery. As it turned out for me both financially and from the all important care point of view finding Clare was by far the best possible thing that could have happened.
For the past three years I have been able to work from home guilt-free knowing that Taylor has been enjoying a wide range of activities, indoor and outdoor fun, experiments, visiting local attractions and using services such as the library, has made and maintained friendships, practiced his early years skills. The list goes on and on. He’s left Clare’s care now purely because he starts school in September but she’s very much missed already!
I’m writing this post firstly to tell people that using a childminding service such as Clare’s is a very valid childcare choice, is often more flexible that private nurseries and for us has been truly fantastic.
My second reason for writing to let local people know that Clare has vacancies! As a couple of her mindees including Taylor have moved on up to school etc she now has spaces which is something she hasn’t had for some time. Have a look at the pictures below to see just some of the activities Clare has offered (there are thousands more but I can’t share pictures with other children in).
To find out more about her service specifically get in touch via her FB group Clare’s Childminding group and message her for availability information, costs and everything else. She’s more than happy to have an informal initial visit to discuss your needs (and this helps with parent wobbles about leaving the little ones too, trust me).
If you want to ask me any questions about Taylor’s time with Clare email me via the contact us page but suffice to say I can’t recommend her highly enough.
Thanks Clare for three fabulous years!