Diet Chef Review

I have been very fortunate to have been chosen as a member of #TeamDietChef, reviewing the Diet Chef food plan to report back to all of you.

Diet Chef Hamper

How Does it Work?
The way that  Diet Chef works is that you buy calorie and portion controlled foods from them and use these to make up the bulk of your daily food.You do of course add fruits, vegetables and two low fat sources of dairy are recommended daily. With your hamper comes a very handy “All you need to know” guide which details how the plan works, how much you should be drinking, a seven day meal planner and more.

Anyone struggling with portion sizes (a big thing for me, I eat like a horse) will find using the plan alongside the MyFitnessPal app / website a big help. MFP is a partner of Diet Chef and all of the DC foods are in their database. Scanning the bar-code of each food or searching quickly and adding to your diary helps you stay within your daily calorie level and so lose weight (I lost 2lb in a week).

Despite being a “diet from home” plan there is plenty of support available. the website is packed with information as well as a forum, there is a Facebook page and their Twitter account is brilliant for news, getting a quick answer to any queries and for getting to know and share experiences with other Diet Chef-ers.

There is also a dedicated customer service line which I have called once and certainly the lady I spoke to knew her stuff, was really helpful and wished me well with my weight loss.

The Food
It really is all about the food and here are just a few of the meals I enjoyed as part of my review.

(Click pics to enlarge)

The sweet and salty popcorn, macaroni cheese (with REAL cheese in it) and the sweet potato and coconut soup are amongst my favourites.

Didn’t I Say I would Test for 28 days? What Happened?
Originally I had planned to test Diet Chef for 28 days rather than 10 however I’ve decided with DC’s approval to cut the trial short.

I have spent years at a slimming club, attending groups and having a consultant to talk to me personally, and face to face because that is what I need. Staying motivated without that is something I find incredibly difficult. This coupled with the fact that I am a kitchen goddess, or rather a kitchen goddess wannabe and live to slave over my Rangemaster, cooking up meals from scratch means means that I haven’t enjoyed the heat up and eat up part of this review. That said the convenience is undeniable!


My time on #TeamDietChef has been fun but the plan simply isn’t for me. Treated as a “real” customer from the beginning rather than simply a reviewer I discussed my decision with Diet Chef who informed me of their 21 day money back guarantee. You see, this isn’t a company who sells you food and lets you get on with it, this is a company that wants you to succeed, wants you to get to your dream weight and who are on hand pro-actively to help you every step of the way.
So, I am calling time on my review and yet would still recommend Diet Chef as they offer exactly what they advertise, a way for you to lose weight at a healthy rate without complicated pointing. For someone leads a busy life, who struggles with portion control and who needs a more prescriptive diet plan this really could be the answer.


*I received a Diet Chef hamper or free in exchange for an honest and open review, this is what I’ve provided. Diet Chef have no editorial control here and so what I have reported is based purely on my own experiences and beliefs.

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  1. NICKI,
    A thoroughly honest review! How refreshing to read and lovely to see a blogger being upfront and saying the plan just isn’t for you. Well done Nicki!

    1. Thanks Karin!
      I could have slogged on with it for longer but wouldn’t have been able to offer the reader anything extra so didn’t see the point.

  2. I so totally love this! .. i think the honesty is fab and for me what you hate i love! 🙂

    I am appalling in the kitchen and eat like a donkey so this system is perfect for me.

  3. Great to see a reviewer being so honest, and it sounds like you’ve given it a fair try. I don’t think the ‘ready meals’ aspect of it would suit me either, I like the fun of cooking. If there was a way to mix this in with cooking your own meals it might suit people like us better.

    1. Thanks Joanne,
      Looking at some of the pics on Facebook etc it appears others have done just that and it looks great, it just wasn’t for me. I could have slogged on for another three weeks but I wouldn’t have been able to offer readers anything more than I have so didn’t see the point. Diet Chef were very good about it.

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