My Home Project Charity Shop Finds

I love a bargain, especially when it comes to my current interior design fetish. I am transforming my home bit by bit and aim to record my progress here.
This morning I hit the charity shops with my eagle-eyed 6 year old looking for bits and pieces to work with or display and we weren’t disappointed.

Bargain FindsFirst up we found some lovely vintage-looking sheet music for £1.99. I’m not 100% sure what I’ll do with it at this point although I have some ideas which centre around a photo frame and a black and white picture of the kids.

The second find was a £2.99 1955 copy of “District Nursing” .I plan to build a feature shelf of older books in similar colours and this caught my eye. Even better it is not just a pretty book, it is a fascinating book so it is a win/win.

District Nursing

So, what do you think folks? A good morning’s work?

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