Book Review: The Promise by Lesley Pearse

I was lucky enough to be sent several books to read and review from a lovely publishing PR. Unfortunately I’ve struggled to get through them all as I have SO much to read with a Kindle that is full to the brim and a pile of books that could topple any minute. This is where my good friend, author, copywriter and previously a publishing editor, Martina Mercer comes in. Desperate for some new reads she was more than happy to take a few off my hand to read and review. Her first review is below.
(Thanks Martina!) 

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The Promise

Fans of Lesley Pearse will know that “The Promise” is the follow on to “Belle”, a story of prostitution and sex slavery in the early 19th century. Without reading Belle first, The Promise may be a little confused; however Lesley Pearse still spins a tale with the talent she is renowned for. Her ability to marry actual historical facts with raw human emotion makes this an education and a delight, as we follow Belle through World War 1 as she works as a nurse in a world dominated by men. It’s truly enlightening and gritty in parts, often shocking but never unbelievable, and despite her history as a whore, Belle shines through as a strong young woman with characteristics we’d all be proud to own.

Perfect as a holiday read or for complete escapism, The Promise covers love, loss and lust in the way only Lesley Pearse knows how to portray.

MM x

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