This was a quick snap taken a few years ago when playing with a new camera so there is no story of note behind it. I just like the photo and wanted to share it, as simple as that. These little three year old hands turn six on Sunday. How time flies!
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Great pic! Love the movement in it, and the way the water is splashing around.
You caught the water well! I love looking back at old photos I’ve taken and seeing whether I’d do the same shot differently a few years later.
Great photo! Love how the droplets of water bounce off those little hands x
love the whole water splashing off thing – the stainless steel sink makes it even better (I think) – it would be a brilliant reminder picture in a school too.
What a great photo. You’ve caught the water so well.
Wow fantastic shot! It is scary how those little hands suddenly grow up!
Time certainly flies!
Fantastic photo! x
Great pic – I love the water splashing in it.
Thats a really great photo. I with I had some of my daughter bit more like that. They are the things you forget. Sticky finger washing!
Wow love how you’ve captured the water, so clever! x
It is really a nice pic.
Lovely picture 🙂 xxx
You capture it perfectly. Nice photo.