What won’t you blog about?


photo by agahran via PhotoRee

I like to think I blog like I talk… honestly. I have written about my lady garden, my first smear, losing my virginity and my pelvic floor (sorry Dad, I probably should have warned you about these ones) and this doesn’t embarrass or concern me in any way. The blog and I are very similar, curly and candid!

I occasionally post pictures of the kids and write about them (gloat about how perfectly wonderful they are when not doing what little boys do when they think Mummy isn’t watching) but am mindful that the internet is a very big world and down the line my boys will be able to read anything I’ve written about them. I’d hate Β them to be embarrassed by anything I’d written (I’m saving all that for the 18th birthday’s).

I write about Roy sometimes but not often, he is such a huge character I’m not sure I could confine him to a blog post. He trusts me to write about him any way I like. We are best friends as well as husband and wife and he knows I would never betray that trust and write something cringe-worthy (I actually can’t think of anything that I could write about that would make him cringe but if there was, I wouldn’t!).

Topic-wise there is little I won’t write about and not much offends me. If I happen upon a post that someone else has written that I don’t like for whatever reason then I stop reading, I can unfollow that blog, I’m not forced to comment. That is the beauty of the internet, I have the choice.

There is a huge amount of varied content out there to be enjoyed and to learn from. Every type of post contributes in some way, it may teach you something and it may make you question what you find acceptable.

Is there a line? Should there be a line? What won’t you blog about?


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  1. Nothing too personal because frankly this is the internet, it’s big and it’s wide and there are some odd people out there and future employers might find it or someone I don’t want to share that stuff with might…. gosh am narrowing it down aren’t I?
    I try to avoid OH as he is social media phobic.
    Also, people lives that are not my own, it does amaze me how people write about ‘friends and family’ and you wonder – has anyone actually asked them?

  2. I don’t blog about my work, my friends, my family (except my dad’s Alzheimer’s), my sex life, my politics, or my religious beliefs.

    I don’t post photos of my boys or my dearly beloved either or go into much detail about them.

    Is there anything else to write about having ditched that lot? lol

  3. I’m an anonymous blogger, so names, specifics are out of the question (nothing that could identify me in google hehe!). Work is my biggie though. I respect the company I work for and value my reputation there so would never mention them ever!

    1. I enjoyed chatting on twitter with you about this, I work for myself so this doesn’t really apply to me however I’d never discuss my clients on the blog or social media.
      I did once get involved in a conversation where someone piped up and said, I’d not employ someone who told all and sundry what was going on in their personal lives via social media. I’d always wonder how discreet they could be about their work.

      Valid point!

  4. I thought pretty much like you, I would never write about anyone to offend them but once I wrote a post which was like a ‘Dear Diary’, I spoke out loud of my deep thoughts regarding a friend. Another mutual friend made sure she saw them and there was a massive break down in our friendship.
    I learnt my lesson, I keep quiet now.

    1. That sounds like a bit of a nightmare. I guess it boils down to what you are comfortable with sharing and being mindful of what can come back and bite you on the bum.

  5. I pretty much blog about everything. Although this week I wrote a post about a status update on facebook which got me in a bit of trouble so I might have to rethink!

    1. It’s so hard isn’t, like I’ve said before – when I blog I’m fairly open about what I blog about myself, though do have a quick think on whether it would have an effect on others but don’t blog about other people outside the family unless I ask them first.

  6. I imagine it’s tempting to use blogging as a vehicle to vent, I suppose for some people thats exactly what it is and, in all honesty that can often make for very entertaining reading πŸ™‚ Tweeting for a job is entirely different of course but I still have some boundaries I stick within. However, then there’s my personal Twitter feed πŸ˜‰

  7. I wouldn’t write anything I wouldn’t want a future boss to see. I write about friends and family but leave them anonymous – I figure I can write about behaviour I observe but not name and shame. I would bener do a gardening post like yours – I’m not into detailed body stuff.

  8. My general rule is I won’t blog about anything that I wouldn’t be happy to talk about in public. If I blog about my husband or parents I tend to check with them first that they’re ok with it because it’s not just what reaction I would get that matters. There are times I long to blog about things but I worry that it may be read by the wrong person and cause all manner of problems, so I keep my mouth shut!

  9. My line is, I don’t tend to rant about things to do with the boys’ dad and his lack of interest in seeing them.
    Honestly, I could probably have a whole separate blog just about all the different ways in which he is crap.
    However, it’s not a good idea. Libel and all that. (though to be fair, every bit of it would be either TRUE, or MY opinion, so I don’t know if that would matter!)

    God how I would love for the world to see what a twat he is, comment about it, and then for him to actually realise that he is being that way and change.

    I mean is it really that HARD to *want* to use your holiday time to spend it with the children you never see??



    Yes, well.

    Thanks for the rant space?


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