Nicki’s Scallops Ginger, Garlic & Chilli Stir fry (Worldfoods)

I am a member of the Worldfoods Global Taste Team. What this means in a nutshell is that along with fabulous other bloggers we are basically exploring the globe with our taste buds, helped along the way by our friends at Worldfood.

This week’s recipe was Prawn Ginger and Chilli Stir-fry. I fell off the beaten track a bit and did something a bit different, but that’s the bonus with Worldfoods – you can alter and explore new recipes so that they suit your tastes and those of your families.

My recipe is Scallop Ginger and Chilli Stir-fry, the original you can find at the bottom of this post if you want to give that a go.

Nicki’s Scallop Ginger & Prawn Stirfry


  • 1 jar WORLDFOODS Chinese ginger garlic chilli sauce
  • 200 g scallops
  • 20 g fresh basil leaves
  • Diced onion 
  • Mushrooms
  • Courgette
  • Beansprouts
  • Rice or noodles to serve with
  • A good stir-fry oil
1. Stirfry on a medium heat the chopped onion, sliced courgette and chopped fresh basil.
2. Add the scallops, stirring occasionally
3. Add the mushroom and the WORLDFOODS Chinese ginger garlic chilli sauce into the wok / pan
4. Turn down the heat and simmer, allowing the sauce to thicken
5. Serve with rice or noodles and with stir-fried beansprouts on the side
You are impressed, admit it! (Click to enlarge picture)
Gorgeous flavours representing China in our global food journey  and something of a budget meal but according to the husband it was “Better than any takeaway I’ve ever had, absolutely delicious!”. Good man!
Below is the recipe I was suppose to do (whoops!) and a few handy hint for what to substitute if you can’t find some of the more exotic ingredients. Obviously alternatives alter the taste but will still help produce a delicious home cooked meal!
Prawn ginger and chilli stir-fry (serves 4)


  • 1 jar WORLDFOODS Chinese ginger garlic chilli sauce
  • 250 g prawns
  • 20 g sweet basil leaves
  • 5 leaves kaffir lime leaf, coarsely ripped
  • 5 clusters fresh green peppercorns
  • 20 g chillies, diagonally sliced (if you want to add extra heat)
  • 4 stems galangal, julienned

1. Heat WORLDFOODS Chinese ginger garlic chilli sauce in the saucepan.
2. Add in prawns and stir until they are cooked. Follow by other ingredients, stirring occasionally until the sauce thickens.
3. Serve with jasmine rice or rice noodles

*You can substitute normal basil & some grated lime zest & dash of lime/lemon juice & bay leaves to substitute for kaffir lime flavour! Ginger is not actually a flavour substitute for galangal.. they’re just from same family of roots, however ginger works just fine in this dish!

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  1. That looks really nice, although I’m not sure if I would like scallops. We’re trying this tonight with chicken – a safe option!

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