My first set of letters, call it therapy! Basically brief notes to anyone and anything that has meant something to me this week.(Thanks Kat!) To read more visit the badge at the top of this post!
Dear Nicki
You are a writer. You are not a web-designer. Don’t tell yourself you will figure it out as you go along because you won’t.
A frustrated Nicki who has changed her theme and is unable to make everything the way she wants it.
Dear Thinking Slimmer
Wow. One week in I lost 4.5lb (I am obviously chuffed to bloody bits) but more than that I am so much more relaxed than I have been for a long time. Food isn’t an issue, I don’t binge when upset or pissed off and I enjoy my meals, though don’t need to pig out. I’m not counting points, calories or whatever and feel guilt free and happy.
Nicki the Relaxed Chick
Dear Zaggora Hotpants
I have a sweaty bum.
More updates later
Nicki, she would is ever hopeful her arse will stop looking like an elephant’s!
Dear Facebook.
I fear our relationship may be coming to and end. It’s not me, it’s YOU. You see, Twitter has so much more to interest me and rarely changes. You really shouldn’t have done those last updates you know.
Time will tell,
Dear National Lottery
I have bought tickets for this weekend. I have been known to show a bit if leg when very excited (i.e. when winning LARGE sums of money).
Nicki, (The Poor Girl)
Dear Nicki,
Good letters. Congratualetions on the weight loss! Good luck for the lottory draw. And i know what you mean about website themes being limitted – but I lkike the changes you’ve made.
Dear Nikki,Well done on the weight loss.Wish I could say the same. I am on the C diet – See it, eat it. I am hoping to win the lotto myself. Good luck 😉