I’ve been on Weight Watchers since the beginning of January, did very well and lost 20lb. 13 weeks on I am still 20lb off and not for the lack of trying. I’ve still been going to WeightWatchers but this particular class doesn’t sit well with me, I don’t have a good relationship with the leader and am demotivated.
When no weight comes off after such a period of time you get cross and upset and you binge. Then diet like crazy to claw it back (hands up if you’ve been there, done that!). I’d had enough of that and decided to track my calories and fat via an online diary. Great to start with but I was constantly hungry, still bingeing and food was a huge focus throughout the day.
To be honest, I was getting really pissed off. I’ve done well so far, I don’t have an issue sticking to a plan but I find them so regimented and not at all enjoyable past a few months.
After seeing many tweets about ThinkingSlimmer, from people I know and some I don’t and several conversations with users I thought I’d give it a go.
Basically I have bought an MP3 that I listen to for 10minutes a day (before bed). Before I go any further can I just say, Trevor’s voice is lush! The idea is that my subconscious will be spoken to and my attitudes to food altered, based around where I want to find myself weight-wise. The first time I saw this my initially thought was “Mumbo-jumbo – move on” and I continued this line of thinking until after seeing yet another tweet about how good people feel about themselves.
With a “What have I got to lose” attitude I bought the MP3 (2 dress sizes to lose), read through the handbook. Really sat and had a think about what I wanted and tuned in for the first time.
That was a week ago nearly and already I’m noticing small differences. This week was my monthly (sorry but it does come around pretty regularly) and during this time I am usually bloated, fat and frumpy feeling, hormonal and I binge eat. I just haven’t had the urge. Shopping for a special anniversary meal last week (hubby offered to cook me whatever I wanted) I decided on a chicken stirfry packed with veg – (usually I would go for something cheesy and would most definitely choose a banoffee cheesecake afterwards!). Nope, I fancied a thai stirfry – light and delicious. It still felt like a real treat. And water? I hate water! I know I need to drink more clear fluid, have been trying to for years but I loathe the stuff and I will now reach for a bottle of water before a coffee. And I’ve bought decaff too!
This sounds very “yeah right” – trust me, no-one is more surprised than I am. I don’t do “alternative” anything – I like what you can see and do – so listening to an MP3 for ten minutes a day seems ridiculous but it’s working. Is it a flash in the pan? The “new diet” goodness. I don’t think so, though time will tell. What I can tell you though is that I have never enjoyed my food so much, can’t remember naturally making such healthy choices without “having” to and can’t remember the last time I had a full week where I wasn’t counting points, syns, calories or whatever and didn’t feel guilty. Here’s hoping these changes (which I’m told are just the beginning!) stick around. I’ll keep you informed.
*I am NOT reviewing ThinkingSlimmer, being paid by them or anything else. This is a personal journey sponsored by myself and I’m sharing it because I find it interesting, and am glad someone else shared it with me. If you want to find out more about it have a look on the website or find them on Twitter for a chat!
I have just started Thinkng Slimmer too and, after nly a couple of days I am noticing a change in my attitude not just to food but to everything I do! I really hope it’s a permanent change for the better. (I’m blogging it as well as I fugure if the whole world hears about the changes they really MUST be happening!) Good luck on your journey and here’s to a ‘syn’ free life 😉 x
If I continue the way I’ve started I’ll be very happy! Roy has noticed differences that I hadn’t in how I’m eating / shopping etc- he’s not into “This sort of thing” either but even he has to say the results are brilliant.
I see it hasn’t helped my spelling yet… lol
He he – you are just the same as me. I am on my 9th week and I’m still not sure I believe it despite losing 2+stone!
Nice one! I bet you feel cracking. I think after so many years of dieting (and failing) and what not it’s hard to believe in something so simple. It has to be a con right? The proof is in the pudding (the pudding I don’t fancy anymore that is 😛 )
YEAY!!!! I get frustrated when I hear “are they paying you to say these things?” and also “yeah right, we all know it’s a load of rubbish” but I swear, if I had known about Thinking Slimmer when they first started up, I’d have saved myself a FORTUNE in buying rubbish clothes which never fit right.
The positive mental attitude from listening to the MP3s is BRILLIANT – been a long time since I felt this good. Really glad you’ve started it, hoping you have bloody AWESOME results. x
You and me both lovely. It’s too soon to tell re weight but I feel amazing so that can’t be a bad start.
Oh and to anyone who is a cynic- your right entirely, but no-one I know, read or respect would ever review anything with anything but honest feedback.
I have to say jay, I’m loving it so far! Guilt? Guilt who?
It’s amazing isn’t it?. I’ve done the chocoholic one and I’m amazed. I thought I’d be a slave to chocolate for ever, but I can honestly say I haven’t bought a bar for over 2 months. I’ve had some choc ice cream at my mum’s but felt completely guilt free, but I choose not to have chocolate most of the time without even thinking about it. It has blown me away. I’ve started my fitpod now in the hope of getting more active. Fingers crossed, and keep in enjoying the changes. 😀
I do believe in the power of the subconscious but a while ago I was given one of these motivational cds by a life coach. It said in soothing tones: you can be whatever you want to be, there’s no difference between what’s in your imagination and reality, etc….. I listened to it loads at the beginning but I am still not an award winning author, wealthy, slim, married, ….
Im trying it too! week 3 coming up and I have cut back on caffeine. Think I’m eating less too. Not really noticed on the scales but snacking has gone down I think..
I was really interested in reading this – I’ve been considering Thinking Slimmer after seeing all the positive comments on Twitter.
Like you I’ve done quite well with a traditional diet programme (Slimming World in my case), but I’ve stalled since the start of this year, and now I’m back at work I’m finding it much harder to find the time to prepare healthy meals from scratch.
I’m a huge sceptic of these kind of programmes, but if it’s only 10 minutes a night it feels like it’s worth a try… Maybe..
I’m not usually very accepting of anything like this. In the end I had some £ in paypal, had heard loads about it and thought “sod it”. So far so good. I’m not sure if I’ll have lot more this week but if not, I definitely feel 100% better. No picking, no binge-ing, no constantly thinking “what to make” at mealtimes. I have NO idea how it works but it does for me. I hope it’s long lasting!