We had our 20 week scan on Friday and were thrilled to find that baby is progressing well, everything is correct for my dates, and everything appears to be where it is supposed to be. What a relief! We always get nervous before a scan, and baby is good (as was Kieran funny enough) at keeping very still on the run-up to a scan. Just to help with the nerves of course. Getting everything checked out and getting the “all good” (as much as they can of course) was just fantastic. True to form baby has been jumping around, kicking and generally making a nuisance of itself on my internal organs since the scan.
I dared to asked the gender during our 20 week scan and am happy to announce that we are having another boy!
Kieran is understandably thrilled also as “Girls are Yucky!!” so all is going well.
Baby 2 will be called Taylor, after my Grandad Taylor who I was very close to and loved dearly. It’s lovely to think of “Taylor” rather than It, Bubs, Baby etc. No second name yet but that’ll come in time. Kieran is also pleased with the name. He is practising it often, just the other day he sat with the Argos catalogue and said “My brother Taylor would love this Mummy”, “Daddy can we get this for Taylor?”. I’m not sure Taylor will immediately be into Ben10 and technical Lego but Kieran says that’s ok because Kieran will share it all with him so it won’t get wasted. Clever boy!
Anyway- before I run off (run ha lol, oh I wish), what are people’s thoughts on finding out the gender at their 20 week scan? My take is “why not?”. If we hadn’t been able to see then fair play and we wouldn’t have forked out for a sexing scan privately to find out, but if the option is there I’m unable to curb the nosy-factor. Many people now do find out, but I have been told a few times since “Why did you want to do that? It’s ruined the surprise!” so we obviously don’t all feel the same way. We’re glad we did though and everyone in the Cawood household is feeling very happy today.
PS. IT’S A BOY!!!!!!!
Congrats on having another blue bundle :-)On the asking, well, when I had my first two (over 20 yrs ago) there wasn't an option to find out. Then when I had my 4 yr old it was such a novelty being able to find out I couldn't resist asking. Just over a year later I was pregnant again but this time I wanted a surprise, I really didn't mind if it was going to be another girl or a boy and had missed the novelty of having a surprise last time.Now, I know, I know, loads of kids, is she ever going to stop 😉 I HAD to know because, 1. I had tons of girls stuff I didn't know whether to keep or not and didn't really have the room if I was going to have to change it all and 2. I needed to sort out sleeping arrangements as we are already a bit cramped here. I'm glad I did find out because it's a boy and I've managed to do most of the rearranging and sorting. (I just hope they were right!)So I can't say I'm either for it or against, it's nice to know, it's nice to have a surprise, but if you need to know, it's good they can tell.
How many kids?? (Only joking, I'm one of six siblings and love it!). This is it with me, if we didn't have the option, it wouldn't bother me, but we did so I couldn't resist!! We didn't care if the result swung blue or pink personally as long as "it" was healthy and happy, but it's great what they can tell you at these scans now!Not just the sex but after looking at the legs, feet, toes the sonographer turned the view so we could see the soles of his feet- now that was amazing!Thanks for commenting.
I had my 1st 25(cough) years ago and the option wasn't available .. however I was given an x ray a few days before she was born and was told after she was born that they knew I was having a girl from the x-ray .. I remember thinking then I wish I'd known but that's just because I'm naturally nosey… I think if I had the chance now I would ask because I am impatient.. When my daughter had her 20 wk scan she was told she was having a girl but also other worrying news which left her with a massive dilema .. I truly believe knowing she was having a girl and naming her Faith before she was born (because she had faith she was going to be ok) helped her get through the rest of the pregnancy (she was fine).. so for us it was a massive plus.. On a different note I think judging by the majority of my customers it is the norm to find out now as many of my products are ordered either for a boy or girl often including the name… very few keep it neutral ..Love the new background btw xGlen @Flutterbys
We've never found out, and much preferred it that way. I just like the not-knowing. My pregnancies were very clinical and I had to have sections with them all, and for some reason it was just nice to keep the doctors out of at least one bit of it and find out the "natural" way with my own eyes. I am also conscious that sometimes they get these things wrong, and wouldn't want to be expecting one and get the other! I don't know why, but we liked the mystery of it, and the fact that not everything has to be pre-planned. And I have to say I loved the look on people's faces when they said "what are you having" and I said "a baby".
Aww the suprise must have been amazing. I love the idea of not knowing until d-day but my nosy-git tendancies get in there first everytime!
We never found out. We wanted the surprise, although our guesses of boys were right both times.The fun thing with my first son, was work did a sweep stake on the outcome. Funnily enough I won some money in it.I think you do want you to, it's your baby growing inside and i would think exciting either way.
I had my 21 week scan this week, and like you, the most important thing for me was to find out that the baby is doing well, and things are progressing as they should be. I was really anxious in the run up – including nightmares and panic attacks(!) so being told that the baby was developing well was a huge relief. My baby, too, had played the sleeping for England game so it was good to see the acrobatics during the scan (nothing like making it difficult to check things!) and the acrobatics continued the rest of the day.We found out with our first that we were having a boy, and wanted to know this time too (this is #5 for hubby, so he thinks the time is over for surprises – he has 2 of each at the moment). I think we needed to know – we're a bit stuck on boys' names, and not knowing until D Day might mean we have a nameless baby at the end of the 6 week limit for registering!True to form though, baby did not play ball, and when the sonographer tried to discover what we were having, baby put his/her legs together and pulled its knees up to its chest!